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Found 158 results

  1. Miguel Preguisa

    DEV ANSWER 32bit Windows

    Is it possible to run Ylands on 32bit Windows? I tried to run it after instalation and Windows told me to check if I have 64 or 32bit system. So, is there any way to run it on that computer? (I dont understand computers at all )
  2. Probably something you will hear requested allot is Infinite Terrain Generation, Have you though about this or if not Infinite much larger than the current Sizes available? Mixed Biomes, So having more than one biome in the world? I know currently we do have Tropical and another to which I forget that we are able to get in a single world but will we see the possibility have having possibly all the biomes in a single world? Cave Generation, Will we see the possibility of Caves being in the terrain generation? This actually could open up the ability to have Ore Veins in caves systems giving a large source of Ore's to obtain, Cave dwelling creatures and ores only obtainable at deep depths. Flat World Gen? So flat world without water for creative/map creation stuff.
  3. Doors dont seem to like wooden panels, difficult to explain so heres a video instead
  4. It would be great to have some help and info about items and blocks in game. Its difficult to guess where to find some of these items, or how to do some important blocks. Picking up random things from ground, crafting everything and watching if you could craft something what you actually need is little annoying. So something like encyclopedia of blocks in Ylands would be very helpful.
  5. First of all, great game. There are some performance issues (which will be resolved in future I believe), but mostly the game is bugless. Now, onto feedback thing. The terrain tools need to be all in 3D, including flatten/paint/smooth ones. The current ones would be fine if the terrain would be a heightmap one, but it isn't (which is great, by the way). As it is now: The flatten tool fails to work properly if there are empty (air) voxels between the level you try to flatten the ground to and the terrain above.The material paint tool is hard to aim properly, even in first personSimilar to paint tool, smooth tool is hard to aim properly AND it's very hard (to the point of impossibility, although I think you can agree that there are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill needed to complete the task) to smooth out layered terrain, like e.g. when sculpting (example being dragon shown in the trailer, although I don't know whether it is terrain work or a prefab)As a Unity game developer myself (won't plug my game here, even though it also does low poly untextured, unless specifically asked by the devs/mods), I'd like to thank you for creating such easy to use and powerful building system. As a person who wants to do something similar in the future (although in more realistic setting), i.e. building from single building materials, such as bars, planks, bricks, etc., instead of slapping prefab walls, floors, etc. like e.g. in Rust, I'd like to ask you if you're using some tricks like combining meshes or if those are just freeform prefabs connected by nothing. Finally, one thing I'd add to the building system would be more kinds of bricks. Or at least ability to select material of one. Those sandstone ones can easily get boring, we need clay and stone bricks (and different kinds of stone). So far you've made great progress and I wish you best of look.
  6. When trying to smelt 'Iron Ore' to produce 'Iron Ingots' they show up as if they are smelting with the 12s next to them but they do not smelt nor does the time count down next to them. output_log_smeltingfurnace.txt
  7. After try to place torch on the ground (TAB pressed) torch cannot be placed. Also it happens to bug mouse inputs and is impossible to change active slot as well as interact with items on ground.
  8. The aim of this subforum is for players to have another method of reporting technical issues. When opening a new thread please include the following information to better assist you with your issue: 1. Explanation (as detailed as possible) of the issue you're experiencing (if it happens in Single or Multiplayer, if you're running a Dedicated Server etc.) 2. output_log file and output_log_clean, you can find them in the directory \Program Files(86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ylands\Ylands_Data 3. Screenshots of any errors 4. DXDIAG report To gather a DXDIAG on your computer (Windows 8), please follow the steps below: Press and hold the Windows key and the letter R on your keyboard You will see a Run box in the lower-left corner of your screen Type dxdiag in the text field Click OK This should load the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Then choose "Save All Information", save the file to a location on your hard drive and then attach that with your reply. It can happen that you might be asked to provide the game version (you can see this in the left bottom corner in the main menu in the game) or your save game file (stored under Steam\userdata\<your_steam_id>\298610\remote\SaveGames) If you do not want to post out publicly that information, feel free to send @Nikki Severin or @Aleš Ulm a private message with your files. Thank you!