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RESOLVED [YLD-30853] Bed construction glitch on ship
spiritchaser28 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
I was trying to place a bed on my ship. It took the materials (3 times) but the bed never got placed. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -
RESOLVED [YLD-30964] Some items won't harden
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
This isn't very reproducible (the same type of item will harden on that map and on other maps). Multiple players get the same bug and can't harden that item. I can pick it up though. Placing it again does not let us harden it. This is on a multiplayer map (server-type) in new Exploration. I have not run into this problem with Sandbox at all. It is happening for some diamonds, some clothing, and some weapons. -
RESOLVED [YLD-30356] So...this is a big problem. Failure to load user data
spiritchaser28 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
I tried to connect to exploration....and output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -
Hi there! So I've been playing around with a ship who's design is quite detailed, but it has next to no free-placed objects on board. When playing Exploration on my own offline/locally hosted maps I have no issues whatsoever. Upon sailing to a map hosted by someone else -Including the Official ones- however, I experience game-crippling drops in frame rates. I believe this occurs due to the mass of my ship 'bobbing' in the waves. I experience no issues when in construction mode or when the anchor is engaged which leads me to believe that there is a lot of resources being drained to sustain the free movement of the ship as it's rocked by the waves. I suspect this could be the servers desperately trying to synchronize the free movement of the ship as it moves unanchored in the waves as I have tried lowering the graphic settings as low as possible in spite of my rig being pretty powerful. Could this be looked in to? Maybe there could be a workaround regarding block-welding or a reduction in the amount of resources spent on making a ship bob in the waves? Whilst the ship design is pretty hefty, I suspect that as larger designs are inevitably going to be built in the future, this may be an impending issue. Thanks, Rob
RESOLVED [YLD-30427] door colour changing as you get closer
IEuphe posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
so as the title suggests i've noticed that this door changes colour as you go closer to it, kind of like a shadow is being cast on it. i'm not sure if this is the same with all doors. -
RESOLVED [YLD-30417] Held items not showing up for other players
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
I noticed this during Nikki's stream. I could see her weapon when I watched on Twitch, but could not see the weapon in-game. I believe this is true for most in-game items, including weapons, tools, and torches. I also noticed it when watching Naru's stream a few weeks ago: In the Twitch video, yo_has appears to not have any item but you can see it from my computer: This might only be in player-made games or it might be more widespread. It is definitely not consistently happening. It is happening often enough that I didn't grab my output logs, but I can next time, if they are needed. -
RESOLVED [YLD-30417] Hunger state not shown in character window
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Although my character is starving, it still says "I feel fine" when I press TAB and open the character window. I feel like this used to display it properly but now it doesn't. Was this an intentional change? -
RESOLVED [YLD-24732] Ostrich walking sideways
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
In a single-player map in new Exploration, my tamed ostrich was running sideways: Dismounting and mounting again did not fix the problem, if I remember correctly. When I closed Exploration and opened it again, the ostrich behaved normally. (This might be not related, but if I walked within the ostrich (did animals always have collisions turned off?) it wouldn't flee. I discovered this while I was trying to tame it.) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -
So, i am pretty sure that the ship helm should move when steering the ship, but for some reason my ship's helm just stays still as seen on the video. Any idea why this might be happening? i have all my graphics to the max.
RESOLVED After deleting island it's no longer possible to sail to most islands!
ComR posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Big Bugs: -After deleting an Island in most cases it's impossible to land on the rebuilt island. Regards, -
My second horse (Feuersturm2) has now also disappeared. I rode him to the beach to look for corals. He also went into the water a bit. Then later he was just gone. I can no longer see him on (Q). output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
My game feels like 30 fps but i have 60+ fps. I tried VSYNC off/on, fullscreen off/on but nothing changes. I have this problem since i bought the game in 2018. And i bought the game to a friend and he also has the same problem with an RTX 2070 and a 240hz monitor
not sure if anyone has brought this up on here. i had clay flower pots disappear after putting the ship in to disassemble mode so i could plant some seeds in the pots output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
RESOLVED No random encounters on many of the maps
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
When exploring new single-player maps in Exploration, about half the time I didn't see any Random Encounters on the islands or see anything on my handheld compass (2 out of 4 maps tried). I actually brought up doing this to make it feel more like Exploration, but I knew it was going to be super unpopular. Was this intended or is it some sort of bug? Some others also experienced this too: Gary Childress via Steam discussions: AAAfrom on the official Discord: and -
RESOLVED [YLD-29921] Problem with my construction station
lady_whynot posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Something strange happened to me and I'll briefly describe: I was building a house and used the construction station to cover the roof. After a few minutes I just fell off the roof without anything else happening and then found myself on the ground at the construction station. I wanted to reactivate the construction station and accidentally hold a pad in my hand, and of course it was gone. I made a new one and then activated it and it just doesn't work anymore. I'll attach the logs here. Don't know if I was wrong or did the game. I then closed the world and opened it again and the construction station could not be activated. It only works again after restarting the game. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -
RESOLVED [YLD-29956] Ship partially disappearing after traveling
NICO14973 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Hi, so after a long journey exploring islands on the temperate biome i sailed back to my homeworld, when the world loaded, my ship was partially destroyed, bassically all the walls and blocks bonded to it had dissapeared (see the attached photo). I unsummoned it and summoned it, and nothing changed, it was still destroyed. Luckily i found out that going back to the main menu and loading my previous world on the "recent games" tab (not sure if thats the actual name, but I guess you know wich tab I mean) would get me back my ship intact (working as a backup). After that i sailed again to my home world, without any problems. I attached the output logs to this post. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt -
I died With my pack in the inventory. When it dropped it lost the colors I had dyed it. However the icon and preview kept the color Edit: Just a small clarification, I am referring to the propeller housing not the steam tank
When you confirm a trade, you get the correct messages on the top right, but it doesn't update the "your inventory" section correctly and looks like it failed. I forgot to keep recording and show when it said "trade cancelled" when I closed the window. That part isn't necessarily a bug, but combined, they always make me worry the trade didn't work properly (especially when they might have had a full inventory or some other problem). The character inventory is accurate at least. I wonder if it is related to this one:
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On an Exploration single-player map, I was deconstructing a large atlantean Random Encounter with my Demo Sledgehammer when it got stuck with the little particle effect and the sound effect was also looping. I could not move my character at all. I was also streaming at the time, so it might have drained my computer more than expected ? It let me leave Exploration by pressing ESC and clicking the Leave Game button, and I re-entered with no problem. The output logs are from this first experience of the bug. This is not a game-breaking bug like the propeller pack getting suck on drained, but I wanted to let you know. It happened again a few minutes after I rejoined. output_log_clean-040921.txt output_log-040921.txt
All but one of the traders on my sharegame disappeared .... are there union rules regarding NPC holidays? ..or do they have a use by date? maybe they got bored and wandered off.. or ... as they say in Oz ... "a dingo ate my traders.. " anyone else encounter this 'oddity" or is it another Ylands feature? ? output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
RESOLVED [ [YLD-31006] ] Odbarvení věcí v průzkumu
Jarda posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Ahoj, řeším problém, při prozkoumávání ostrovů (po updatu 1.6) se mi odbarvili veškeré věci na lodi do původní barvy , teda kromě dřevěných bloků ze kterých je velká část lodi postavená. Odbarvili se truhly, dveře, i brnění které jsem měl na sobě. Dnes se mi znovu odbarvili a k tomu jsem přišel o veškeré elektrické obvody. (loď jsem stavěl v editoru, i obvody jsem spojoval v editoru aby byli schované v blocích, teď již nejsem schopen obvody zapojit, musel bych rozbít půl lodi, bylo tam dost obvodů). A to mě přivádí k druhé věci, rozhodl jsem se tedy pro nějaké drobné opravy lodě v editoru, ale při získávání blueprintu jsem zjistil že se to vybrané části fotoaparátu nevleze (lodˇ jsem nezvětšoval), nebylo by možné výběrovou oblast blueprintů zvětšit (chybí mi asi 10 bloků) . Odbarvování věcí budu sledovat, když tak dám další informace nebo přiložím log soubor. Děkuji -
Unlike the hammers or any other tool, the writing tools don't have a "used in" button for their recipes. Could the "used in" button be added for them? I am not sure if this is a bug or suggestion. ?
RESOLVED [YLD-29882] Breaking and Destroying Item Number Bug
ocnoglittle posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
The number of items in the popup window doesn't decrease when breaking or destroying items. -
RESOLVED [YLD-30008] Script Modules wiped clean after 1.6 update
i0i0i0 posted a question in Bugs & Technical Issues
Hi, I am having a bit of problem with all my script modules wiped after the recent update. It seems any script modules in scenario or in composition files lost scripts attached to them. I am wondering; a. if this is a known/registered common bug to be fixed, or something I should action/amend on my end, b. if there is any procedure to follow to retrieve/save old scripts. Thank you for your time. (* don't think any log/file would be relevant with this bug, but let me know if something to be provided. thanks) 3 replies
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- Script Module
- editor
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From @NICO14973 on the discord: Can the Ylands team change the sound effect (and maybe animation) for the Cup of Tea, Coconut Drink, and Green Coconut Drink? So it is more like drinking instead of eating? The sound already exists for the potions. Aleš said I needed a bug report ?