I noticed there were a lot of posts in the past about replenishing resources. Whether this could be a solution to some of those issues is open to debate and testing. There's still so much I'd need to experiment with to see the full potential of this idea. Ranging from generating unique items that could be used to create custom gear or quest items to fulfilling a games resource needs with minimal environment damage. The idea in play:     =================================================================================== Okay guys to create a miscellaneous resource spawning object let's start by creating the unique object. Step one: In this video I start by placing an object into the world renaming it, recolouring it, changing the health totals and setting it to highlighted for that added distinction. https://gfycat.com/AlienatedRadiantBarasingha =================================================================================== Step two: In this video I start by creating an ON DAMAGE listener which will be used to activate the spawn command later in the tutorial. Next I create an IF statement that checks if the health is less than my chosen value when the object receives damage. It then sets the health to what ever I want it to be. This way I can decide if the object will be immortal or if it will have a diminishing value.   =================================================================================== Step three: I add the action to spawn our chosen resource. I set the object to Gold Ore. I then create a function that randomizes the drop amount between 1 and 3. I finish by setting the spawn location for the generated object to be at the position of the triggering entity   =================================================================================== Step four: I add some effects to make the process seem more natural. A metal clang and a spark to confirm that you have struck the entity. Making sure I set the position of the effects at the object I am interacting with.   =================================================================================== Step Five: Finally a test to see what we have done. I strike the object multiple times to show that our object is spawning in the correct position and that the randomized drop quantity is working correctly.       Have fun with this one guys let me know if you use it to make something wild and exciting