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Toxic gossip

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5 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

Again, totally baseless claims. I take NO cut, the President does take 5% if elected. I am not president. 

You admitted that P1 has on average a 42% cut. You own P1 so that mean you take a 42% cut from winnings. It is your company so it is you who the cut is going to. If you decide to ever close P1 it isn't the community that will take what is in the company's bank account, it is you who will. Saying you take no cut whatsoever just isn't true.


8 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

The drama was already happening, I made this post so it can be said directly to me. If you read my first post it's entirely clam and my goal is to stay classy even if others are not. 

1 hour ago, Shadow72 said:

Literally only 1 person even asked you about the "drama" before you made this post. You just went and made it into actual drama when there was none to begin with.

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44 minutes ago, Shadow72 said:

You admitted that P1 has on average a 42% cut. You own P1 so that mean you take a 42% cut from winnings. It is your company so it is you who the cut is going to. If you decide to ever close P1 it isn't the community that will take what is in the company's bank account, it is you who will. Saying you take no cut whatsoever just isn't true.

People donate willingly to boost the community. We take those investments and use them to grow and expand P1 C. Right now it's paid out on a monthly basis to our community manager. I feel like your just making statements to get revenge at this point. Note that I never had anything against you and this convo was not suppose to be something to expose you but rather to give you a chance to come forward about the gossip that you have been instating in private along with others if you wanted to. 

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Just now, RedEagle_P1. said:

People donate willingly to boost the community. We take those investments and use them to grow and expand P1 C. Right now it's paid out on a monthly basis to our community manager. I feel like your just making statements to get revenge at this point. Note that I never had anything against you and this convo was not suppose to be something to expose you but rather to give you a chance to come forward about the gossip that you have been instating in private along with others if you wanted to. 

No I am not just making statements to get revenge on you. So what you are saying is you don't take a penny from the P1 Creator company? Do you plan on ever taking a paycheck from the company?

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19 hours ago, Sowa159 said:

Nečítal som všetky správy a neviem presne, čo sa stalo, ale môžem hovoriť o tom, čo o P1 viem, a prečo si myslím, že je to jedna z najlepších komunít, ktoré Ylands (a možno aj internet) majú.

Pred 2 mesiacmi som nevedel, čo je Ylands, nemal som prácu, prechádzal som reddit, len aby som zabil nejaký čas a urobil čokoľvek. Potom som narazil na ponuku práce, ktorá mimo moju krajinu nestačila na udržanie niekoho života, ale bolo viac než dosť na to, aby som ja a moja rodina pokryla nejaké peniaze. Ponukou práce bolo stať sa komunitným manažérom spoločnosti P1. Spočiatku som si myslel, že P1 je táto veľká spoločnosť s veľmi prísnymi zákonmi a ľudia, ktorí tvrdo pracujú, majú silné termíny, musia toho veľa prežiť. V zásade som sa obával, že by to bolo príliš veľa na zvládnutie, ale čoskoro som sa dozvedel, že má tých najúžasnejších ľudí na internete, žiadna politika, žiadne hovädzie mäso, žiadne nadávky (milujem nadávky, takže by som tu mohol mať trochu nezhody, lol), ale celkovo to bola čistá komunita.


Najvýpovednejšia časť o tom, že P1 je úžasná a Red je tu tiež úžasný chlap. Je to, že si nezakázal, aby pre neho niekto pracoval. NAKUPOVAL NIEKTORÉHO, ABY UCHOVÁVAL TOTO SPOLOČENSTVO NAŽIVO. Pretože fyzicky nemohol, ale videl v tom hodnotu a ja nakoniec aj ja.


Možno budem zaujatý, pretože viem, že Red nie je schopný vedome ublížiť nikomu, ale myslím si, že ak ste mali problém s Redom (obaja), urobili ste niečo veľmi zle, neospravedlnili ste sa a zdvojnásobili čokoľvek ste urobili, len aby ste niečo naznačili. A ja (a všetci) by som s týmto správaním nemal súhlasiť.


Rozumiem, ak chcete vytvoriť svoje skupiny alebo čokoľvek iné. Nikto sa na to nepozerá zle, ale láskavo si urobte láskavosť a jednoducho o nás nehovorte. Nakoniec dávate P1 ešte väčšiu pozornosť a viac ľudí sa o nás zaujíma, pretože sme väčší (a zjavne čestnejší) ryba ako ty.


Na záver chcem objasniť, že máme možno jeden z najkryštálovejšie jasných spôsobov, ako zaplatiť ľuďom za ich prácu. Hodiny robíme hodiny, vyhrávame ceny a ceny rozdeľujeme podľa hodín, ktoré do toho každý vložil. Nemá to byť práca pre nikoho, mal by to byť spôsob, ako môžu ľudia mať nejakú odplatu za svoje hobby, či už budovanie alebo skriptovanie.


Je smutné vidieť, že táto čistá a úžasná hra je nakazená týmito hlúpymi hovädzími zvieratami bez iného dôvodu, než dokázať, že sú agresívni. 


Dobrú noc všetkým a prosím pekne sa zahrajte //

SOWA, komunitný manažér P1

I have no problem with you, and basically with your community .. the problem was created by red, when he unjustly called me a thief, there is nothing more to it .. have a nice day .. (btw .. I'm really curious about your opinion that you will have in two maybe in three months ;) )  peace!!! 

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44 minutes ago, RedEagle_P1. said:

As clearly shown in this post, you took the idea without asking, cut off others assets to publish it solo. I am fine with that but asking first and giving credit was key. 


ok..can i ask you??? you blind??? or have you some personality problem??? look here!!! 

Snímka obrazovky 2020-11-07 223104.png

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I've just quick read the first lines and i dont need to keep reading.

It is a non sense to make this public.

I have my own life problems and work to stress me out. I dont need it in ylands.

It does seem i'm in real life. If this is the path you are going, i will gladly step out and just leave

So, for the god sake, any Admin just delete all this thread and go discuss in private.

What a disappointment...

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i m very disappointed from redeagle and mello,because the problem was the he didnt credit none and stole from anyone,and mellon can take help also and he wanted to create the best creations that can people of outside came and watch the talent of a genious ylander.He studied about ylands and how to make that creations that ylands cant do it.Learn from him.If theres a big prize there is for mello.Everyone had skills ,he had skills to create,to create.

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@jchob I also have enough of my problems, but I won't let anyone make me a thief!!! I don't care if red have problems with yourself, let them solve them at some doctor, and not in this way!!!

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3 hours ago, Mello1223 said:

@jchob I also have enough of my problems, but I won't let anyone make me a thief!!! I don't care if red have problems with yourself, let them solve them at some doctor, and not in this way!!!

I understand, but it's sad to see a post like this

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Guys, I don't think continuing this thread would result in anything good. Since Adam is on a vacation I will lock it and leave the decision up to him whether he wants to remove it or not (I think it would be a good idea, though). As it was said here, these things are better discussed in private. If you feel somehow wronged or harassed, feel free to PM Adam or me. Thanks!

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So we decided to permanently lock the topic, so it doesn't escalate further, but we will not delete the topic, because we are not censors but moderators. And since no vulgarities or hateful comments were made, but pretty much just arguments and the exchange of opinions, we do not feel it necessary or fair to delete the topic altogether. I feel an airing out like this usually has a positive impact more than a negative and I'm sure if there is more bad blood between you guys, you'll be able to resolve it peacefully in private.

Stay classy Ylanders ?

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