Request:  Consider revamping ore generation algorithms to allow the following: 1) Generation of ores in and around cave systems. and less occurrence of surface ores (approx 20-40% less than currently observed). Encourages more cave exploration - more risk/reward Smaller surface veins of ores - larger veins underground! Small samples of ores on ground (more than just flint - allow for occasional iron/copper/gold ores - perhaps near (above) seams generated underneath the surface to hint miners where to mine). 2) More concentrations of minerals in certain areas: flint near hills/mountains clay near water gold/copper/iron underground and around/in mountains and hills shape deposits in characteristic ways to be unique to each mineral/ore (coal in horizontal seams, gold in vertical, flint in round patches, etc.) 3) More Ylandium deposits!  I've yet to find one crystal in two maps! need more mutated creatures or more dust drops from each one slain. crystals need to spawn at higher levels than currently seen (by others - not me). higher dust yields from processing crystals. 4) World Generation Options: Allow for specific concentrations of Iron/Copper/Quartz/Ylandium at world creation.