Welcome to the P1 Building Contest!
This game needs great content! @tina.bistudio has hooked me up with Coyns to give as prizes for great content!
In this contest, teams will compete to build the best workshop asset for the theme listed below.
1930's vehicles
Submissions so far:
1st place: 3k Coyns
2nd: 2k
3rd: 1k
Deadline: 17th June
How to get started:
1) Join a building team (or go solo)
2) Let everyone know you are competing, reply:
I am IN!
3) Submit your creation to the workshop
4) Link it here
5) As you post, include 1 bug you encountered on the way!
1) Teams can submit only 1 vehicle each.
2) Coyns cannot be divided, choose who gets the prize.
3) Avoid copying things which are copyright
4) The 10 best submissions will go to a poll. Most votes wins.
Casual - Please don't make a self-assembling logic-driven super car. We want everyone to be able to compete without spending 40 hours a week.
No purchase needed, submissions outside the deadline do not count. Coyns have no real-world value but are bought in game for about 3-5 USD per 1000. So the value of prizes is about $30.