I have been a longtime defender and promoter of this game, whenever people brought up issues I always told them to be patient as this game is in early access.    However, this game launches later this year and its in dire shape:  1) For 2 years servers have needed to wipe progress weekly to work properly.  2) Lag, building bugs, freezing, online play is on life support causing this game to burn 90% of players who come down to it.    Moreover, messaging is really pushing people away as these issues are not addressed in Dev Diaries or anything.  When you don't share your challenges alongside your victories it makes the community feel you don't have challenges, or don't know what is happening and the struggle the players are having.  One example is the social features launched in the last update. We constantly get pings but no one is talking, we often can't access our clan list or friends list... most of it does not work and then your new update hypes up new features. It feels like an endless train of broken promises rather than a struggle for victory.    Its really hard for me to talk like this as I am such a positive person... oof.    I know what people think and say behind your back and your approach to things is discouraging people. Most of these people don't understand the challenge of building a game but good messaging can bring doubters on board. My suggestion: stop the cooperate smiles and just be real with people. Be real with your struggles, your challenges, your vision and ambition. People follow people, be real, be human.