We (the community) miss Alpha Ylands gameplay. Please consider these suggestions.   1. Add the old music back. Go back and listen to the alpha ylands music track and tell me that it isn't better than the new music.

2. Make the map bigger. Make a chunk system like minecraft or something so you can have a big map. I miss getting lost in the ocean, not seeing the exact island i need to progress in the game.

3. ADD FIRST PERSON BACK. What stupid reasoning it is to remove first person because the animation didn't correspond with first person. At least in alpha gameplay i could mine a wall out with in 15 minutes and be able to actually see stuff.

4. Listen to your community. Don't get me wrong, I loved ylands when it first game out, it was my dream game, and I thought it was amazing. Then 1.7 came out and I remember thinking "Well this is alright but not all that good" and then 1.8+ just completely ruined the game.
There is no exploration in exploration mode. Instead of making an exploration game you guys made a chinese rip-off of roblox.
If you did this the smart way of making a game, you would've released the map making and creator features AFTER you released the exploration features.

5. this "tip" is so important i have to say it again. Make the map bigger!!!!! I shouldn't be able to see the other island from the beginner island!!!

6. Keep adding more stuff to exploration, and don't make excuses about your updates. You promise stuff every update when people are disappointed with it and then the next update never receives the hype you were hoping it would. I understand this is probably a difficult game to work on and to release updates. But I would rather you release big updates after long times that are filled with content about exploration.

7. Again. Please please please just listen to your community. Just starting connecting with them more!!

8. Don't get mad at suggestions like this or else you'll be denying the truth of what you guys have done to your game. 9. If it pleases you, add back the old faces.   Stay classy