BTW. I realised that games from your workshop - for example "Pirate Lagoon" is working flawlessly - constant 25FPS with spikes (but rarely). Game do not crash even after long hours of play, exploring and building! Game spiked me at first let'ssay once a 3-4 hours for 3-4 minutes, but after exploring map - it's gone... Map is very big, there is hundreds of animals - but it's not a problem.

So, there is a big problem with Ylands explore mode. The only difference is: in explore mode I have ship, in Pirate Lagoon - I don't need it.

BTW.: I've read that Ylands works ONLY with DX 11.1... I do not want to move to Win 10 and I will not move (f... ms). I updated my Win 7 and DX as I could, but there is no much different. I'm still testing, but... I found somewhere that command: "ylands.exe -dx11" can make a difference - I did it. Also, I set everything to absolute LOW video settings. It looks bad, but... I want to see if Ylands Explore will eventually work... All The Best and Happy New Year, Bartosz