Hey there Ylanders! Hope you enjoyed Easter and our Easter themed mini-update, but we’re still working hard on 1.3 and we are still on track to release Watery Water in June! It hasn’t been easy in this climate, but the team has adapted to the current situation well and we are on our way to release one of the best updates yet. But that’s not all, we are already working on update 1.4 too! And (if it’s even possible) it’s even more exciting than Watery Water! I won’t give away too much right now, but from the newly updated Roadmap you can see, that we have some cool features prepared for you guys ?  In the next weeks, we’ll be talking predominantly about 1.3 but we’ll throw in some 1.4 hints in also, so look out for those. And until then, stay classy, but most importantly stay safe Ylanders!