I say this after 7 un-announced  server maintenance shutdowns  in one hour, requiring a  5 to 8 minute  wait to get back in after  " backend"  or   "unspecified"  errors and  waiting  in a  join queue. No  sooner than you  manage to tidy things  up to where you were before the (crash)-shutdown"  ......  boom  ....  down  it goes again " server maintenance". When I logged out in disgust today   the server was full of  complaining players ...and they were giving up on MP   hoping  1.5 brings a miracle . I doubt  1.5  will,  based on  past  promises ... but  gee wizz -      we getting  some more pretty   bird like  predators ...      apparently   they are more  important  than  game  fixes. Another  issue is it  is  soo laggy  with  ships ...there's  sound  loops ..stuttering  and  it  takes  ages to get to an island in sight ..and  then you get a " AFK warning" ..if  you don't  stop,  and   release controls   move  around ...  you get disconnected  for  being  afk too long! Ok  ok ok  ..i know the response  " send in the logs.."     But to  quote monty  python   "I am NOT a  Lumberjack and i am NOT  ok"    i sent in  so many logs ...so have others  ...   we talk between ourselves about the response  and   we all get  none.. From what i heard today  ...don't be surprised at a swarm of  negative  reviews on steam.   I have  stayed  with  Ylands    because of the dedication and  enthusiasm   from the P!  group and  Red Eagles  attempt to get a  functional  game  working. My  enthusiasm ..and that of many  others ...  is  waning..