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About kimbuck

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  1. kimbuck

    I just got robbed by two people.

    conan? no. 1 known suspect guilty until proven innocent
  2. kimbuck

    Dev Diary #231 Experimental Ymprovements

    ee lands? grrr! what about "she-lands " ? ( waves stilettoes.. and puma resistant girdle )
  3. kimbuck

    I just got robbed by two people.

    I will also help new people ....as quite a few here will testify, but remain cautious. If you are in the game and come across honey chicken.... well thats me and i will help , and am friendly but warning i do not tolerate fools, once bitten twice shy As i said n a previous posts ...look for discord groups ...ask around in them and soon you will find out who to trust and who you avoid
  4. kimbuck

    I just got robbed by two people.

    join discord groups ...you will soon find the names of who to trust and who not to
  5. kimbuck

    I just got robbed by two people.

    sadly, this happens so often that multiplayer games are dangerous...and i immediately kick from my region any name i do not recognize before they can move! kick first! ..its unfriendly, but then 99% of unknowns are coming to plunder and destroy Theres also a group of them well known to discord users ... their only aim is to use pvp wherever possible and wreck others experience in the game Multiplayer is hardly worth it... unless you get a group of friends you know and trust and can join in at the same time .... thats difficult when in certain time zones.
  6. If you want adventure, Ylands can provide it All those screenshots seem almost identical to my experience... same island view ... maybe a map issue? I found that if you log out with your ship offshore and in deeper water its less likely to happen ..... when it happened to me i was in deep water but adjacent to steep shoreline..i surmised that maybe the ship co-ordinates "drifted" over land when logged out and logging in... since i been careful to moor further offshore it has not happened again So a tip ... dont go offline with your ship moored in an inlet with shallow water either side.
  7. kimbuck

    RESOLVED Exploration - Lost Ship- Now stuck

    its happened to me twice before and it seems like an old bug i reported some time ago ..i got tossed out of ship when logging in ... and we went different directions. Having to re start from scratch is one of the reasons i rarely play Ylands now ,,, i have been back since the update, but if this is still happening ... well... ?????
  8. going to log in and test this with a "disposable ship" see if i can duplicate results and get screenshots
  9. I see in discord chat that another player lost their ship in identical circumstances ...and same experience., ie ship went skywards tossing them out then flew off into the never - never So .. do not moor your ship in an inlet between cliffs or land and then log out with your avatar inside.
  10. @ktzo ...if in a mp game and you see Honeychicken blundering around ...or the asian biome BaconHam ... ..drop in and we can comiserate together. ? I took a shopping break .... got some neat sales specials and shoe shopping therapy works wonders. I am making a back up base on an pvte island to store extra stuff.... in case the ship goes bye-bye again
  11. kimbuck

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    Players want what they want...and complain if they do not get it. The issue is not all players want the same and the Devs have to add and subtract to keep everyone happy, But as they say, a camel is a horse designed by a committee, and as players scream for Boss monsters, flying things, more combat, less combat, whatever etc we get an uglier camel! But Camels are useful in the proper environment ... .. they no good in the arctic or tropics....... ( and harder to like than horses...) So perhaps the players should stop pestering the devs to add things that will make Ylands the same as all the other games of this genre, and let them follow their roadmap and get what's here working properly first To be honest ...if the games changes to require fighting monsters and Boss monsters to proceed... then its just like the plethora of other teen/anime based kill everything games ... and people like me wont be bothered. To the devs... you cannot please everyone all the time. Look at the original game and its initial success...and work from there.
  12. ty spirit ;0 i made it to the starter island .. i still have weaponry and items in inventory ... will start a new ship ( always bigger and better ) but first got some rl shopping and stuff to do. whats annoying was all the resources i had stored on the ship ... ah well... guess thats life.
  13. Yes spiritchaser ... exhausted all options. Taking a break for a few days - then re-assessing things. Thanks ;0
  14. ok tried everything ... re logging ... moving off the "bugged" island to another .... no luck time for a break from ylands ... it might be a long one. join all my friends who used to be here.
  15. Possible path of looking for a solution to this issue: Notice that ships tend to "drift" from their mooring position between sessions. If you moor a ship close to a pier or a land based dock, they "drift" further out to sea a bit when you return to the game. Its like there is a limit as to how close to the edge of the ocean a ship can be to "spawn" in on log in. I was contacted directly by another player who encountered a similar situation to mine. He moored his ship close to the shore in a small inlet.... there was a flat beach alongside. Upon re- joining the game, with his avatar inside the ship cabin, - he experienced a bouncing effect with his avatar bouncing in and out of the ship as it bounced... similar to what i experienced. When he tried to move he "fell" through the ships hull onto the beach and saw his ship bouncing up and down over the flat sandy beach. He managed to unsummon his ship ..... then summon it back into deeper water away form the shore. In my case, i had moored the ship adjacent to a sandy hill ...which was taller than my ship. I now suspect that my ship position "drifted" when offline and tried to respawn on top of that hill .... sending it skywards. That would explain the "i am freezing " message and aerial view of just clouds. When i pressed "w" i fell through the ships hull to the beach ... possibly perishing in the process and out of reach of that ship that's possibly still there .... " over the rainbow, way up high!" :-? and in some sort of region limbo When i re-join, i appear on the hillside near where the ship was, and for a few seconds i get a ghosted " loading wheel" briefly. So could this be of assistance as to what's happening/or happened here?