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Found 47 results

  1. I recently got back into playing Ylands to check out the Exploration features. I played for about 3 days without issue. About 2-3 weeks ago I log in and am locked out of my house. I decided to wait and see if some hotfix would be released, just in case it was a bug from an update. I have the keys on my keychain and also tried taking them off to unlock the doors 1 by 1, but no go. I also can't target my barrier, see the radius, or destroy any of the tiles on my structure. It's as if I don't own the building anymore. Already tried verifying files, not expecting it to work, and it didn't. I have no idea what could have happened. I can still lock and unlock the doors on my ship. If anyone else has encountered/resolved this, any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
  2. Hi there, Here i found a strange things about visibility of Trigger Zone. Here i put two trigger zone, one is black ,it's small. and i put it in the Big Red one. All of them's alpha is 255. The problem is when i change my view(just move mouse), and the black was disappear, but keep going to move mouse, the black appear again. So, dose this is a bug or it's just like this? I think the black one should never be watched, right?
  3. Hi, I was just in the editor, editing some groups with comps inside, when all of a sudden the header that says you are currently editing a group did not go away even though I was no longer editing a group. I was unable to get rid of it so I saved the map and restarted ylands. I thought that would solve the issue but sadly it just made it worse ? Now it will no longer allow me to open the map and if I switch to a different tab my map disappears. I really hope there is a way this can be fixed cause even though I do have some back ups, there is still a lot of progress to be lost. output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt P.S. is it possible to send my map over to get it fixed? Thanks
  4. Rotating or just moving a group seems to change the rotation of blocks for some reason (this also happens with single blocks). However, the group axis remains the same. Here are some videos to better explain it. It's very annoying
  5. In the past couple of days I have found that the 'move' and 'rotate' functions only rarely work properly. I don't know the lingo, folks, so please bear with me. The colored gizmo with the three colored arrows that I used to be able to drag on no longer function most of the time. I know that when I used to hover around the arrows I would find a sweet spot that would make the arrow a paler color, then I could do the drag and the object would move. Now I don't get that happening at all and I cannot move objects most of the time. Same with rotate. This seems like a big deal! What good is editor if I can no longer use it to move objects! All hands on deck, team! Please?
  6. Beside spawning entities, prototypes, game logics, maybe spawning groups ?
  7. I want the player to not be able to create fire. So I have an event that listen to ignite, and extinguish the item immediately. It works fine in exterior, but when I have flint lighter in the inventory, I can ignite a torch.
  8. Can we have "/hidechat" in editor? Sometimes the chat is in the way of the label section of the entity after we write to console etc. Thank you!
  9. When I select a variable, and want to change it, it would be AMAZING if the text prompt was directly in the text window, instead of having to clic on the variable, and then again into the variable text to change it. Seems like a tiny QoL change, but it gets me every times ?
  10. Can you guys make it so we can Ctrl + click to select multiple items from the explorer list of logic/groups/objects? Thank you! -Ocnog
  11. Much more than 8 variables int the do something functions would be great. PS: I really really love this toolset
  12. So I'm currently trying to create a skill that launches a projectile, and I want the projectile to have a trajectory in an arc shape, like if I hurled a large boulder. So to do this, I've got gravity enabled, and I wanted to utilize the vertical Angle Delta to shoot the projectile upward at a small angle and have gravity pull it down. From the looks of it, the angle you put in only works depending on what horizontal direction you are facing. On one horizontal axis, facing one direction, the angle is correct and positive. If you change direction on the same axis (turn 180 degrees), the angle then becomes negative and shoots the projectile straight into the ground. If you look to either direction on the other horizontal axis (turn 90 or -90 degrees) it seems that the angle turns to zero. I think something may be going on in the code that makes this work, but I am posting it here instead of on the bugs page because I am unsure if this is intended or not. If it is intended and I am misinterpreting how to use Vertical Angle Delta when shooting a projectile in the skill editor, please explain to me how this parameter actually works, as the Horizontal Angle Delta seems to work as intended (or at least how I would intend it).
  13. @NaruTheHuman, maybe you? When I setup an Event Listener to listen game logic type Time Trigger, it doesn't show up the event ON TRIGGER. Why? Is that on purpose For example, I can listen to Trigger Zones in a label which takes an index as a reference. Then I use Event Listener to type trigger zone, and finally the event ON Entering Zone I want to do it automatically with Time Triggers. I need it because it's the way I script. I work a lot with instructions and variables as "global scope" to make my script independant of entities/logic picking icon, making it better to spot errors. It's like using C# Classes because I have many objects that is the same class. Because of that, my entire scripting lost it's point and I need to rework everything. I just needed that ON TRIGGER event listener. I can make it "manually", but I think that event listener ON trigger for time triggers should be availabe. That's the purpose of having a Event handler. Please? ? Makes sense?
  14. It asks even when there are animals:
  15. Please, rebuild NPC "counter" attacks. If player attack hostile NPC, NPC under attack only stay and do "ah, ah, ah...." ... omg WHY NPC´s under constant attack only stay and look´s at me?! Why NPC only stay and can´t attack too? (After 5-30s of player damaging, NPC make a step or two and start attack too)
  16. Spent last few deys making a map in editor to put in a dedicated server i just rented. After very short time of playing 1-2 hours i get information: Server Maintenance. The server restart and the map goes back to original state with all the progres lost. Can anyone tell me what is going on?
  17. Oswulf Leowalding

    UNDER REVIEW [YLD-22224] Blueprint Ghost

    Problem: When deleting a blueprint table in the editor (and perhaps using the Annihilator Gun?), the blueprint ghost remains and is now a persistent object in the game world with no means of removing it. (That I know of.) Replication Case: 1) Place a new blueprint down in-game. 2) Save & Exit to the main menu. 3) Enter the Editor & load the saved Game. 4) Highlight the blueprint table & delete it. Intended Outcome: The blueprint table and it's associated ghost should be removed. (Perhaps there should also be an easy administration method of removing blueprints in-game.)
  18. https://gyazo.com/e951dc815060b2f6f0daf3fcd5973f02 Chat censor too strong -- "Welcome to the clan all new people" I said.
  19. Hi, The input text which you can use in the custom window gets executed twice when you type something in it. I also want to bring this post back to attention since it got ignored Thanks
  20. Hi, Im currently trying to export my map but it gives me this error I honestly have no clue what it means so could someone tell me what is wrong with my map ? Thanks
  21. We have put in two blue printed ships into my exploration BI server. These two cause immediate lag and drop to 3 fps when assembled. Unassembled, we get 60 fps. log_userscript.txt output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt FLOATING_APARTMENT.zip KRAYGON_ROGER_PROTO.zip
  22. In a game mode I'm working on, I have an animated trigger zone that follows the player. It is configured to trigger when it encounters anything with a ZoneInteractable label. It then hands off the trigger entity to the player's storage to decide what action to apply based on other labels that object has. The zone is capsule shaped around the player. The idea is that other players will have the label, as well as certain blocks and items that make up the play area. One type of block, for example, is "lava" and should kill the player on contact. This should be true no matter what type or size of block I use, as long as it has the LavaDeath label in addition to the ZoneInteractable label. The play area is supposed to be dynamic, able to change between rounds for various fast and simple mini-games, so it's critical that the zone is able to trigger on any entity that has that label, no matter what. The problem is that blocks will not trigger the zone at all unless the player contacts a CORNER of the block. If I run up the side of a labeled 4x1x4 block, or jump on it from above, nothing happens. The zone is not triggered. But it is if I hit a corner. I can use 1x1x1 blocks, but that could hurt performance, and if I weld them the trigger zone doesn't react to them no matter what. I'm attaching some video, logs, and the scenario... (The video is not exciting at all, but shows what the problem is.) output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt MULTI-MODE PARTY.zip
  23. I know this is not "an important thing", but... Raider Armor torso and pants can't change all colors. On other items, the colors which can't be changed usually are marked with a "x" The Raider Armor showing the color without x, but also can't be changed @Adam Snellgrove, sorry to bother you with such a thing
  24. Hello, I would like to write two short lists for version 0.15. The first one concerns the bugs I identified in exploration/scenario mode when building a boat. I start with the list of bugs found. - systematically the "unique" blocks disappear when I try to install them, I explain myself: I want to install a window, if I only have one copy in my bag, it disappears when I install it. On the other hand, if I have two or more copies of the window, I have no problem installing one. This bug impacts all blocks. - I can't hang paintings, signs, torches... on the walls of the boat. - some objects such as candle holders, for example, cannot be placed on furniture or tables. They disappear. - I don't have the ability to remove a door once it's installed. It is also impossible to destroy it. The second list concerns suggestions for this version: Have the opportunity to: - choose to put the game in PVE or PVP mode. - form groups of players. - damage allied or non-allied players. - choose the duration of day and night. - integrate an aquatic world (dolphin, shark...) - display group members on the map - share the indications marked on the map with the group members. Thank you for taking the time to read me. Another thing, is there a tutorial or list that could explain some of the commands in the editor mode of version 0.15. (for example, how to add a command to open a chest when the player answers a question correctly). Thank you for your help. Laurent Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)