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  1. Yesterday
  2. Main problem was fixed back in 0.8 in 2018, but there were several other problems complicated the issue even more. Complete fix was presented in 1.5 in 2020. (players now can use their own respawn inluding the ship, there is always at least one respawn on every yland, game correctly triangulates destination to closest yland, position is properly synchronized in multiplayer, items upon death are dropped into loot container and visible both on map and in UI).
  3. Issue was fixed in November 2018, should be fine now.
  4. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED DS - Trade fail, lost items

    Issues were caused by imprecise UI calls on client side (could get easily desynchronized in long session). Should be fixed for several years now.
  5. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8863] Lamp Collisions is to big

    Should be fixed since December 2018
  6. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    Yes, sorry if it spams your mail, just closing threads which were never marked ar resolved (for one reason or another). 99% percent of questions is going through in-game feedback nowadays, but from time to time people try to find answers here on forum.
  7. Y0ungSandwich

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    Did you seriously just post this on a issues created quite literally YEARS ago?
  8. Last week
  9. It is a big corner case when this could happen it must be first submerged into the ground and then dig up, also the system should no longer raycast that high, should be fine for some time.
  10. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Constantly falling off ship. Latency?

    Very old problem, was fixed years ago (players are now virtually anchored to the ship and properly synchronized in MP simulation).
  11. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8858] Multiplayer Bug

    Old issues caused by incorrect MP synchronization combined with bad networking, this particular problem was fixed back in 0.8, but overall it was completely changed over the years and even distantly similar problems should never appear.
  12. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED no mutated animals

    Old map generator had problem to distinguish absolute and relative offset of animals in some cases, should be fixed for years now.
  13. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Fix the stairs

    Should be fixed for years now.
  14. Old AMD crash which was fixed with updating to newer version of unity engine years ago.
  15. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [Ships] Block placement

    There should be construction mode present since late 2018, should be fixed for years now.
  16. Should be fixed for a long time now.
  17. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8634] multiplayer ship bug..

    Very old issues caused by incorrect MP synchronization, all were fixed back in 2018.
  18. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8577] Charging Station bug

    Issue was fixed years back in 0.8, energy was not properly serialized in MP.
  19. Fixed years ago. MP simulation was reworked back.
  20. Fixed back years ago back in 0.7 with other global networking issues.
  21. Very old issue from time when MP was fairly broken with overloaded communication channels and unreliable user commands which both caused this issue. MP was reworked since then and issue should be obsolete form more then 5 years.
  22. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8322] Not taking damage in MP

    Very old issue when invincibility status was not properly serialized for clients. Was fixed long time ago, also is obsolete since barriers are no longer in game and were replaced by coop status.
  23. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED [YLD-8472] Can't Move items in Inventory

    Very Old UI issue which was completely fixed in July 2018. UI was reworked completely since then so it should be fine.
  24. Very old memory clearing problems, was fixed years ago.
  25. This issue was in a game for a long time and was fixed back in 2020 (Tree tops were not separate entities back then and there they could not be altered properly).
  26. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Problem with ship

    As mentioned in original thread, issue is fixed for a long time now.
  27. Chocho-bis

    RESOLVED Ship of Doom!

    Was a problem mentioned in other threads (caused by incorrect MP serialization), was fixed back in 2018, should be fine for a long time now.
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