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  1. Today
  2. I have died underwater, all of my things have gone into a chest (which is normal), but i've dived down to get my things and found that i can't actually open the chest with my stuff in, apparently this is a common issue? Hopefully this can be fixed and i can get my stuff back! (2nd try!) I've tried submitting this on the actual Ylands game but it keeps saying "Cannot connect to Destination Host" - Remarkably my wifi is pretty decent so i don't think it's that? Very odd. Hopefully someone can help? log_2025-02-10_114534_clean.txt
  3. Yesterday
  4. Last week
  5. handofthesly

    Fatal Login Error

    The game studio has been undergoing a cyber attack the past couple of weeks which is affecting all of their games. All we can do is wait while they try to get all of their servers back up and running. Expect multiple interruptions during this process.
  6. lukashranicky331


    output_log.txtOperační systém KRITICKÁ CHYBA PŘIHLAŠENÍ output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt
  7. lukashranicky331


    output_log.txtOperační systém KRITICKA CHYBA PŘIHLAŠENÍ output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt DxDiag.txt
  8. lukashranicky331


    output_log.txtOperační systém output_log_clean.txt DxDiag.txt DxDiag.txt DxDiag.txt DxDiag - kopie.txt
  9. MorganChain

    Fatal Login Error

    For some reason I am getting an error "Fatal Login Error: Cannot connect to destination host" on game startup for approximately five days as of now. Tried verifying files, reinstalling, launching from desktop and from Steam. The problem still persists, and I sertainly know some of my friends are getting it too. Is there anything that could be done to fix it? Thank you in advance
  10. Earlier
  11. Most encounters generated in the world are protected and don't allow you to capture them as blueprints. You'd have to try each of them though as I don't know which ones are or aren't.
  12. Is it possible to make a blueprint out of something in the adventure world and want to put it next to your base? (providing you have the materials and resources in your inventory) For example the cyclops stone statue (or painter one) or maybe the decorated teepee's
  13. handofthesly

    can't login.what should i do?

    Looks like you have logged into the wrong steam account, can you try switching accounts and see if it works?
  14. chamymax8003

    can't login.what should i do?

    can't login.what should i do?
  15. Berzeger

    Request to cancel account

    Hi, in order to delete your Bohemia account, please send an email to [email protected].
  16. qilijianpiaoxue2

    Request to cancel account

    客服你好,我想注销“Bohemia Interactive”的账号,因为我已经不需要它了,请问如何操作? Hello customer service, I would like to cancel my account with Bohemia Interactive as I no longer need it. How can I proceed?
  17. Immanuel Johnston

    Update 2.4: FLEET FRIENDS

    Это обновление звучит потрясающе! Мне не терпится опробовать все новые автомобили и добавить больше пушистых друзей в свою коллекцию. В результате наши приключения станут гораздо более захватывающими и приятными! Обновления, пожалуйста!
  18. vadowe

    Can't play Adventure

    Hi, I confirm the problem is solved. snaptube vidmate
  19. vadowe

    Ladder climb

    Hi, I find this idea interesting too.
  20. TOWUK

    command line server

    hi all, maybe add support run server from command line enviroment? and support more commands for admin/moders/players? it impossible?
  21. Draxiser

    Armour variants/skins

    I get the whole idea of rare finds being special, but honestly, the randomness can get annoying sometimes. Like, you spend all that time exploring and end up with gear you don’t even need—been there, done that.
  22. handofthesly

    Can't play Adventure

    There was a bug that took several days to fix due to the dev team being on holiday. It should be resolved now!
  23. Phoenyx Ashe

    Can't play Adventure

    I had the same issue a few days ago. Even going in and resetting everything didn't fix it.
  24. steam-76561198119590724

    Can't play Adventure

    Hello, after 4-5 years I downloaded the Ylands game, unfortunately I can't play Adventure. After selecting the starting island Tropical Starting Yland neither Single Player nor Multiplayer works. Nothing shows up, nothing opens, nothing loads. I can't join other islands in Tropical because I have to build a ship, but where? I even bought Multiplayer Rented Server for 7 days to check if creating a server would help, but nothing changed. I can only play in Creative mode and join the Community. I deleted all saves, folders but I still don't know how to solve the problem.
  25. AshYland

    Scale Creatures

    There should be a way to scale certain creatures In order to really customize the game, and perhaps recreate “boss fights,” it would be nice if you could scale certain npc creatures to make them bigger. I feel like there is a missed opportunity there and I hope a future update may consider this.
  26. When i first saw ylands on the steam workshop. I enjoyed the old game trailer so much that i bought ylands. Ever since i dressed up the character to look cool, built a sail boat and saw the beautiful sunset on the horizon, the rain and the moon. I have loved every moment of the game, even more so with adventuring countless islands (or should i say ylands). Thank you devs for all your hard work, this game is a masterpiece of visual art in survival.
  27. Hello,sorry for my English. I have a bug with the log quest "towards a new coastline" Is it normal that it is not validated when I have already visited the outpost Elmwood ? I have already finished chapter 3. I sometimes play solo and multiplayer, but most of the time solo in map version game: Thank you.
  28. Karasukun

    Vehicles Slot Glitch

    Hi ! Thanks for answering. I was looking for more information about this and yeah, i learned about this bog. I just decided to buy more slot then ! Thanks ! I tried to do the ingame report but for some reason, it didn't work. I tried 3 times but i had an error. In the end, I succeeded to do it like 5 min ago. Thanks again for the answer ! The game is so cool and really refreshing. Hype to see more new features !!
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