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About bojo2736

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  • Birthday October 23

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  1. bojo2736

    Veteran Player Thoughts

    I bought this game the day it released on steam. I have over 3700 hours into the game. I have bought and given so many copies of the game, I don't even remember how many. Because of frustrations with the game, I stepped away from it. I was thinking of uninstalling it, but before I did, I wanted to check it out one more time. So I have played it around 30 hours or so in the last couple of weeks. Things I like: I really like that you create blocks as you need them, and don't have to make them, then use them. I always ended up with chests full of odds and ends pieces. Also, it frees up the very limited storage and inventory slots that we have. I love that we can now lock items so they can't be picked up. This is a huge improvement. Overall this is the best building game I have found, and I have alot of them. The only other game that comes close in terms of building, is 7 Days to Die. The mechanics of both are very different, but both are unique and well thought out. This game is beautiful. I love the art style, and there is just nothing like a nice sunset on the beach. I like the mining nodes. I love that I don't have to tear up the islands to get items. I don't like that things are so rare, I think it's still not balanced. I understand that it was really OP before. I think it has been taken just a bit too far the other direction. I do like that you have made them so that there is a reason to sail and explore again. One of the things that frustrated me and why I left was that sailing was pointless. You could literally see every biome from the beach of the starter island. Now sailing has a reason. It would be useful to have some sort of indication as to where various ores are. I shouldn't have to go to the wiki to find coal. You have brought back some of the original music. Thank you. I do like that I can summon my horse from anywhere. Things I would like to see: This is a game about exploration. It encourages you to get out and find fun things in the world. Yay! Inventory and storage is too small. I hate that it comes down to inventory management. How about encouraging crafting by making larger backpacks. I could have sworn we had armor stands. If they still exist, I can't find them. The game now has the ability to make many kinds of armor and clothing, this is great! I want to be able to display them. I would like to see what is possible to craft. I am fine with being unable to build them, and needing to find them, or learn them in order to make them. But I want to be able to see what I can make. It helps to know what items I need to collect and keep (because of limited storage issues.) Ylands still needs a better way to organize building shapes that you use. Some way to favorite, or at least put the recently used / most frequently used at the top. Having to search for a block I just used is infuriating. The devs have put so much thought into building, this is still a glaring problem. In fact being able to organize anything is the game is still a huge problem. Ylands is still the great carpal tunnel simulator. Grinding for supplies is understandable. It's part of every building / crafting game. Please don't make me click a billion times to cut down a tree and then another billion times to pick up the items. It's not fun. Most other games just put stuff in your inventory as you harvest it. Ylands does this with harvesting fruits and veggies. Lighting is much better, but still problematic. We need more lighting options. I use light and shadow as part of my build designs in most games. Ylands is either really dim or surface of the sun. If you get a few workstations going, it's just too bright. Food is still a problem. Not getting it. That is pretty easy. But having to eat every few minutes. OMG. When I am building I don't want to have to stop every few minutes to eat. I get it, it's survival. But if thats the issue, then why is thirst not a need. Why isn't sleep not a need? I'm not suggesting that adding those things would make the game better (please don't add them.) But the needing to eat so often isn't fun, and it's immersion breaking. I do like that the different foods give different buffs. It gives you a reason to try different recipes. I would like to be able to craft a trash can. Since dropped items are forever, I don't want a life long commitment to the half eaten leaf that I picked up somewhere. And I don't want to have to take up an inventory space just so I don't have to look at it any more. Please make bark have a reason. I can only craft just so many bark armors. At least the birch bark has a reason, for making white dye. Why can't I use bark to fuel fires etc. We need a way to paint that isn't walled behind ylandium and skill level. I know there used to be a paint brush, I'm pretty sure it still exists in the files and is accessible in the editor. So let us craft a paintbrush and be able to use it. It would be slower and more tedious, so there would be reason to try to get the paint gun. But again, so much thought has gone into the building options that we have, please make this a thing. We need to be able to craft cheap scaffolding. It is really hard to build anything when you don't have the prop. And the prop is walled behind ylandium. Back to the discussion of inventory problems. Can we please craft saddles or something so that we can put things on our horse to carry? And also a way to display crafted saddles and tack. And speaking of horses. If we can be killed while riding our horse, we need a way to defend ourselves while riding a horse. We have been asking for this since forever. Other games have this, so it's a thing. Craftable vendors. Neat idea. There needs to be some way that indicates which way they will be facing. Or have them be able to be moved. To be filed under WTF: Killing cave monsters, at least in tropical, doesn't get you anything most of the time. Once in a while I have gotten a metal piece or a little gold. But mostly , they don't drop anything. They used to drop ylandium. I understand that the game is being developed to make progression necessary. So having them not drop ylandium on tropical, or even temperate, maybe makes sense. But to have there be no reason to clear a cave other than to get crystals makes no sense. I killed a night monster on a tundra biome, and got nothing. Not even a rock. I do understand that they were OP and farming them for ylandium was too easy. But to get nothing when I spent arrows? At least give me my arrows back. There should be a reason to kill them, or why even have them there?
  2. bojo2736


    I placed a vendor banner, and now the vendor is facing the wrong way. I tried to use my destruction hammer to move it, and it wouldn't let me. Is there a way that I'm not seeing to remove the vendor banner? (After the vendor has arrived.) It would be helpful to have the front marked, so we can see where the vendor will be facing.
  3. bojo2736

    Unable to dig near water

    Because griefers could mess up a map beyond repair.
  4. bojo2736

    What other games do you play?

    I've been playing a lot of minecraft (bedrock) mostly in creative, or on peaceful. It's weirdly addictive. I still hate the visual style, but I find myself playing for hours.
  5. bojo2736

    Transportation of animals

    I realized that after I posted. Mostly, if I play, it's been and old map in SP. So I forgot about the ship thing.
  6. bojo2736

    Transportation of animals

    I just ride/swim them over.
  7. bojo2736

    candle suggestion

    We have prop packs and cars in a game about being stranded on an island. I am not really concerned about "realism" I just want the lights to work the way I want them. ?
  8. bojo2736

    candle suggestion

    Candles are weird. If you try to manipulate them inside the editor, it doesn't work very well. As far as I can tell, the reason is that a candle and a lighted candle are two different objects. Comparing them to a brazier, a brazier is the object and it can be lighted or unlighted. So you can build a switch for it that will work. With a candle it doesn't really work like that. I did put it as a report at some point, and they were looking at it. Lighting in general needs to be looked at in this game. I like to use light and shadow in my designs, and the game as it stands doesn't really allow for that. We need control of brightness, dimness, sharp or diffuse, color, on and off. It would be nice to be able to craft a light switch that would allow you to attach it to a light source. The switch would have the scripting attached to it. I was playing a while back and came across a game built temple or something. As I got to a certain distance, it triggered the braziers to light. We need some way to craft a thing that would provide the scripting. It's problematic that the light brightness is STILL stacking. By that I mean, one candle or torch, very dim. Two, the brightness of the sun. There is no in between. The last time I played the iron stove was much better, but the kitchen stove, soooooo bright. One of the other games I play (ARK SE) has a mod that makes all the lights come on as the sun sets, and off again as the sun comes up. This should be an option.
  9. bojo2736

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    Adam was awesome. No shade to Nikki, she's doing a good job, but Adam paid a lot of attention to the group. He was available and approachable. He even played with us occasionally. Not sure why you felt the need to take a comment about how we are having a nice civil discussion to insult a guy who did a great job, and who is not here to defend himself.
  10. bojo2736

    How to bring back alpha players in 6 changes.

    It's not a minor point. The game I fell in love with had a chill vibe. I spent hundreds of hours in SP before I ever moved out to the multiplayer servers. It is a VERY different game now.
  11. They really need to add clan markers on the maps. Why encourage co op play and then make it difficult?
  12. bojo2736


    I played briefly last night. I ran into some cool buildings. Were these built by devs or from community members? Can we alter them? The island I first landed on was HUGE! Thank you so much for that. The terrain was so much better. I prefer the more jagged old style, the new style is rounded, but I was so pleased to see that overall the islands have much more variability. I found myself marking places to come back to and maybe build. I haven't been inspired by the landscape in a long while. I will spend more time playing to see the new changes. Thanks for all you do, dev team.
  13. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Did you see the KNIFE BLOCK??? OMG
  14. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Please do, and thank you.
  15. bojo2736

    Dev Diary #180 Cooler Crafting

    Some way to sort favorites? Please?