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Found 79 results

  1. I recently finished building a steam powered ship. For it's maiden voyage I took it for a spin to the nearest yland I had already explored. The trip there was fine. I arrived at the yland, put down the anchor and went ashore to do some mining. I made sure I anchored myself in deep water (I've spent way too much time digging my other ship out of shallow spots). When I returned to my ship, it started doing really bizarre things. While I was on the shore, before I had even boarded the ship, it started lurching side to side and at one point actually shot up in the air maybe 15 feet. I finally managed to get aboard using my propeller pack, but now the ship acts like it's either hitting the bottom, or is attached to the land with a rubber band (that's the best way I can explain it). The water below me is quite deep, so I am 100% sure I'm not hitting the bottom. Also my anchor is up, I triple checked that. If I power up my engines, the ship will most forward VERY slowly, but will rubber band backwards about 5-10 ship lengths every once in a while. It also will not turn. It keeps acting like it's running aground on whatever side I'm trying to turn towards. I have tried rebooting the game and my PC and neither seems to help. I've included my saved game file. The ship in question is the one directly in front of my character. If you board the ship, engage the engines and try to drive around you should see what I mean. Hopefully that is enough information for your devs to figure out what's going on. Also a note, I have not used the "computer" that seems to be causing issues for a bunch of people. If there is any other debugging information I can provide, please don't hesitate to ask. SCOTTS_WORLD.rar
  2. Hi, On my seacond boat, the stairs acted very weird. They teleported me to the stairs on my other boat. When i broke the stairs on the other ship and tried again it dropped me out of the world and I died. Then I tried the stairs on the other side of the ship and it worked. After arriving at a new island where i never been before, the polar island, and trying to use the ladder to get back up to the ship when it got cold, I droppen to the bottom of the world again and I spawned at my first Island........... Not fun.
  3. So a couple of my friends came into the server and I guess they died somehow when they weren't on. They died on the boat, so their gravestone is sitting on top of the boat and it made the large ship tilt sideways. Is there anyway to break the grave markers or delete them? I have no idea where I am so editor is out of the question.
  4. SirBiscuit

    RESOLVED Crafting crash

    Game crashes when enough recipes are gathered and you have to search/scroll to find items to craft. Really like the game but this makes it really hard to play the games plz fix as soon as possible:)
  5. I've noticed that when I go to move items from my inventory into a chest or container, the items refuse to stack with identical items that are already in the chest/container. So if I've got an incomplete stack of Iron Ingots in a chest and want to move another few Iron Ingots out of my inventory and join it with the ones in the chest, it simply won't do it. Right clicking the ingots in my inventory doesn't work, and drag and dropping them into the chest won't work either. Instead it will just fill an empty slot if there is one. If there isn't a free slot available then the items will stay in your inventory stubbornly. When this happens you have to drag and drop the stack that's in the chest onto the one that's in your inventory and then put the now combined stack back into the chest. Really annoying.
  6. SirBiscuit

    RESOLVED Game Crash

    The game crashes while I'm scrolling through the crafting menu. Just says it has stopped working no error message at all but the game runs fine only crashes when I scroll through the crafting menu I can open it no problem and type and search for things just when I scroll.
  7. Multiplayer is a bit glitchy, being on a boat with another player, can sometimes kick you off the boat (Happens for person who joined the game) Also sometimes items dosent show, and sometimes the boat is all black and none of them dosent load after so you have relog
  8. Sometimes when you click Take all or harvest corn for example, tems get bugged on inventory, the icon is rendered outside the inventory but the actual item is in the correct location, but it cant be moved This can be fixed by going to the main menu and continuing Its a minor bug, and it doesnt happen that offten, sems to happen when inventory is somewhat full
  9. Hello, I'm enjoying the game a lot, but there's this thing that is annoying af. No matter how much FPS I have, 60 or 180, for some reason it feels like I'm playing at 30 and I've tried turning Vsync on and off, windowed screen, lowering the graphics, etc... nothing helps. Is there a way to fix this? The game is running in a SSD. Here are my specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x RAM: 16g 3000mhz crucial ballistix SSD: 1tb M.2 WD blue GPU: AMD RX5600XT Sapphire Pulse Monitor: LG E2250 75hz (I've tried using it at 60 but didn't help) OS: Windows 10 pro 64bit 21H1 It's a bit hard to see it in a video but I'm sending one, I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about. Video.zip
  10. I built my ship and decided to rebuild it from scratch. Instead of making a new one, since you can only claim one ship at a time. I decided to remove all the decorations and blocks I put on the ship. But there two items I can't get rid of. Not from the Building Station, or Free placement mode or deconstruct with the hammer for that matter. The option to remove the items does not appear. The items in questions are the shaman's mask from the myster yland with the glowing eyes, and a bottle that has some kind of red substance coming out of it. Everything else though I could deconstruct.
  11. Plain Black Ship Flag goes offscreen
  12. Hi there I have an issue when i dock/anchor my ship near a jetty or next to a island. Every time i anchor my ship and i re log it is not on same position. It is if the game move my ship +-1/2 a ship length deeper into the ocean, rather a painful bug if man park close to land/harbor to unload. I tested this with anchor down and up and get same result. The ship is not close to seabed to cause any issues. I also tested it in "Q" ship edit mode and it also move the ship deeper into ocean. Hope info to bug help.
  13. As in title, please, check resources needed in building. All The Best, Bart
  14. Unfortunately I forgot to grab the output logs for this, but thepYpse told me the map may help a bit. I noticed several random encounters on this map that were showing on the compass but just not there. If you check the island on the East side of the map towards the middle you will find about 5 or 6 random encounters with a compass but empty space. Attached the map. Hope it helps somehow EERIE SNAILLAND.rar
  15. I uploaded a composition to the workshop....it didn't have a thumbnail. I went to delete the blank thumbnail and upload another...but it would not allow me to delete it or upload one from the page like it usually does. The trashcan does not delete the blank thumbnail.
  16. not sure if you're aware of this but yesterday i noticed that when i equipped my character with fur boots the leather shoes appeared on my characters feet
  17. Not sure if this is a bug that affects everyone's buildings. But I noticed a new random encounter today and it appears as though the corner spikes are not turned correctly. I think it should be a pyramid shape?
  18. I don't know how it happened, but I do know when. for some reason, a bug occurred when I was hopping between worlds in Exploration Mode that caused all the placed blocks on my ship to disappear. It also made it impossible to disassemble the ship for re-construction. Before: After:
  19. Midonyxgirl

    KNOWN ISSUE Boat Missing

    Hello, My entire boat has gone missing. I had parked it at my moms land to get my ducky boat to go to another land I unclaimed my boat so as to take control of hers to get to my new land and when we got back my entire boat was missing. It has alot of precious cargo on it and too many hours of work put into it. Is there anyway I can get it back? I have attached a picture of my boat with this post. I need my boat back ASAP
  20. So as the title suggests, I came across some lit candles and noticed the flame was bigger than usual so I checked the ones on my ship and the effect must be on all of them. Made me feel like the whole place was going to set on fire. Nobody light your candles until they fix this ?
  21. output_log_clean.txtoutput_log.txt I was exploring when i found this random site with my compass. It seems to have no structure or items laying around of any kind. I'm wondering if this could be a bug of some sort. on another island in the same world, there's another random site which has the same issue but without flattened or reshaped terrain. I thought it might've been the metal box in the sky you get the mark 1 armor from, but i could not see any, tried digging in case it was buried but still nothing. I attached reference logs in case of convenience: output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  22. In the crafting menu I can only scroll when my cursor is either in between the pictures of the items or next to them. For some reason scrolling doesn't work when my mouse is on one of the pictures.
  23. Pressing down ctrl for blocking WHEN running left, back or right makes the character do weird things. ????
  24. I know other have posted this issue already, but i feel the need of posting it too. (and yes, im copypasting what i said on our discord's bug reports channel lol) Now i'm actually scared of going to multiplayer maps, today i went to locust just to find out when i spawned that my ship was completely destroyed, lost every freeplaced block and all colour. Restarting or respawning didnt work. Luckily i went back to my sp world and the blocks were back, but the colour wasnt, i'll have to paint everything again (everything was dark coffee and the sail was red), and as soon as i put it in construction mode all the parts that still had their colour just lost it too. I know it's recomended to have a good internet connection to play, but playing with a slower connection shouldnt mean that you could always loose everything Heres some pics about what happened and the all mighty logs lol: output_log_clean.txt output_log.txt
  25. Hi there! So I've been playing around with a ship who's design is quite detailed, but it has next to no free-placed objects on board. When playing Exploration on my own offline/locally hosted maps I have no issues whatsoever. Upon sailing to a map hosted by someone else -Including the Official ones- however, I experience game-crippling drops in frame rates. I believe this occurs due to the mass of my ship 'bobbing' in the waves. I experience no issues when in construction mode or when the anchor is engaged which leads me to believe that there is a lot of resources being drained to sustain the free movement of the ship as it's rocked by the waves. I suspect this could be the servers desperately trying to synchronize the free movement of the ship as it moves unanchored in the waves as I have tried lowering the graphic settings as low as possible in spite of my rig being pretty powerful. Could this be looked in to? Maybe there could be a workaround regarding block-welding or a reduction in the amount of resources spent on making a ship bob in the waves? Whilst the ship design is pretty hefty, I suspect that as larger designs are inevitably going to be built in the future, this may be an impending issue. Thanks, Rob