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Found 6 results

  1. When you drag a crafting recipe from the crafting window to quick slot #0, it can cause fps to drop drastically when using that recipe to place/craft objects. I am not 100% sure what starts the fps drop but the solution is to remove the recipe from your quick slot. Have not tested it yet with the other quick slots. But this bug causes my fps to go from 60+ fps to 12-5fps.
  2. Just got the game and I wasn't expecting any performance issues, sadly that's all I got. The game runs at a constant horribly low FPS. When I turn the camera, load a new area or enter an area densely populated by trees it spikes even worse. I've tried adjusting in-game settings, optimising settings through the Nvidia Control Panel, setting usage priority, launching in various dx settings, and while on the lowest of the low settings there is an improvement, it's very marginal and hardly worth the poor graphics. I would really appreciate some solutions I could try, otherwise I will be refunding the game Specs: Windows 10 64-bit i7 4790K Processor Nvidia GTX980 16GB Memory 2560x1440 G-Sync Display
  3. Chris Jackson

    RESOLVED Performance Issues

    Hello, Been very excited to play this after watching several you tubers play. I'm having some performance issues which I was unable to locate the cause for. Hoping this community has some suggestions. My current hardware is as follows: i7-6800k GTX 1080 32GB Memory 1920x1080 Gsync display Unless i'm on low details I struggle to maintain even 60fps with frequent studders and drops. I've gone through every setting, and it seems shadows and HBAO affects the most. However with the hardware that i'm running I really doubt this should be the case. This happens in single player as well as mulitplayer.
  4. I would like to notify I am 13 of age, as of writing this.(sorry) I have recently played the trial, which I find absolutely awesome and I plan on spending hours of my time on the full release. Although I have found a few problems I want to share. The first problem being a specific glitch that I'd like to acknowledge is when you could be roaming around and then you "randomly" fall under the ground and into the depths of hell "the void". This glitch has been bothering me for the past time I have been play the trial. Secondly I would like to discuss the little optimization there is for graphics, people like my self don't have the best computers and I certainly hope that there will be more optimization to the graphic's options. I hope one day there could be a way you could pay for a dedicated server, this way when you are offline a friend could still join your server. You see my friend lives in Ontario, Canada as I live in Texas, USA, We don't really get the best connection when one of us host. Lastly I sure do hope this game with thrive and grow, also can we give a big thanks to those whom made this awesome game!
  5. Hello, I'm enjoying the game a lot, but there's this thing that is annoying af. No matter how much FPS I have, 60 or 180, for some reason it feels like I'm playing at 30 and I've tried turning Vsync on and off, windowed screen, lowering the graphics, etc... nothing helps. Is there a way to fix this? The game is running in a SSD. Here are my specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3500x RAM: 16g 3000mhz crucial ballistix SSD: 1tb M.2 WD blue GPU: AMD RX5600XT Sapphire Pulse Monitor: LG E2250 75hz (I've tried using it at 60 but didn't help) OS: Windows 10 pro 64bit 21H1 It's a bit hard to see it in a video but I'm sending one, I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about. Video.zip
  6. Hello Ylanders and Bohemians, It s me again, and this time i am very far from happy at all, i have this humongous beast pc with i7 4gigs and a gtx 1080 nvidia, i can play ANY other game (such as assassin s creed origins) in full ULTRA ULTRA with absolutely NO LAG. But when it comes to Ylands, on official server EU4, on starting island, i see my FPS dropping to ONE FRAME PER SECOND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THIS REALLY SERIOUS ? I damn do WANT to play this game, but it s like it s optimised with finger toes, i am very sorry, i swear i am a patient guy, normally, but here, you guys have invented the MOST FRUSTRATING GAME EVER, i wonder what kind of black magic you used to make me angry like that! I really had very high hopes for .10, but between the TOO FAR AWAY bug and now the DRAMATIC fps drop, i wonder if you guys are really there or gone to holidays thinking you had done a miracle, i can tell you, come back quick and fix this bug machine, it s a nightmare. Sorry for the strong language but desperate times need desperate words to express the deep disappointment i am in right now. Take care all, and please kick the shit out of this game so we can at last have the fun we want to have, cause right now, it s damn TOO FAR AWAY