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Found 6 results

  1. Encountered this oddity since I obtained the game this weekend. In the main menu the game can use my gpu properly, i'll see fully utilization as I'd expect, go into the actual game though.. And GPU utilization drops down to 20-30%, and I see all 8 cores used about 40-50% each. The cpu utilization goes up if I stare at the floor, and FPS goes up as well. but if im looking out into the distance gpu utilization always dips. Is this an issue due to the tech of my particular processor, or is this a known issue with the game? Note: Other games (GTA 5 for example) do not encounter this issue. This issue exists whether im using low medium high or ultra settings. I've gone as far as reinstalled 388.13 drivers, as well as updating them to 388.71 drivers and also ran the game without having any custom profile added, as well as adding one. Sys specs are: amd fx-9590 Asus Crosshair V Formula Z motherboard 16gb ram running game off an SSD Windows 10 x64 Nvidia GTX 1060 Any suggestions or insight into this is appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Just got the game and I wasn't expecting any performance issues, sadly that's all I got. The game runs at a constant horribly low FPS. When I turn the camera, load a new area or enter an area densely populated by trees it spikes even worse. I've tried adjusting in-game settings, optimising settings through the Nvidia Control Panel, setting usage priority, launching in various dx settings, and while on the lowest of the low settings there is an improvement, it's very marginal and hardly worth the poor graphics. I would really appreciate some solutions I could try, otherwise I will be refunding the game Specs: Windows 10 64-bit i7 4790K Processor Nvidia GTX980 16GB Memory 2560x1440 G-Sync Display
  3. Chris Jackson

    RESOLVED Performance Issues

    Hello, Been very excited to play this after watching several you tubers play. I'm having some performance issues which I was unable to locate the cause for. Hoping this community has some suggestions. My current hardware is as follows: i7-6800k GTX 1080 32GB Memory 1920x1080 Gsync display Unless i'm on low details I struggle to maintain even 60fps with frequent studders and drops. I've gone through every setting, and it seems shadows and HBAO affects the most. However with the hardware that i'm running I really doubt this should be the case. This happens in single player as well as mulitplayer.
  4. Hello, I purchased today (28/5/2017) a copy of Ylands. I have installed it and when i tried to run it the graphics are not loading properly. Firstly i have a black background in the menu screen. Then when i tried to load a new game i could see the loading text but there were no backgrolund. When the loading was complete the game seemed to run (could hear ambient and interactive sounds) but i had a black screen. All I could see was the pop up text over usable items. I didn't give up. Fiddled with the graphics settings a bit and the best i could come up with was version that everything seemed as the gamma was set to maximum (white sky, no water, bright yellow ground). My PC specs are the following: AMD Phenom II x4 955 3.21 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 1600, Radeon R7 360 2GB GDDR5, Windows 7 64bit, Crosshair III Formula. Please note that i have and run Arma 3 in above average settings pretty smoothly. Is there something that i can do to run Ylands in an enjoyable level? If not, can i have a refund? I'm very pleased both with Bohemia Interactive (Arma 3, DayZ) and Bohemia Incubator (Project Argo). Please help!
  5. Guys, i appreciate the hard work you put into this but honestly your perception of what is the biggest problem could not be any further away from reality. Your will is to create an awesome building game yet the performance is so bad that the game punishes you for building atm. Players get huge performance drops throughout the whole game with freezes and spikes that get so bad after you built more than just a few houses. that is no fun at all. The problem even intensifies during MP play and makes this game a huuuuge struggle atm. I own a very strong pc with badass internet connection, massive CPU and RAM and still i get slowed down and cannot play after a certain point. The server i (tried to) host consumes about 16GB RAM which is a lot but shouldnt be too bad because i could throw in about 60GB, how come the game lags so bad that it is unplayable? Not to speak of the poor guys who have less resources? At this point you can enjoy a wooden house on the yland, everything more is simply unenjoyable. Look at videos from youtubers playing your game (aka Keralis) and tell me expecting a spike every minute makes this game fun. New players or undecided ones do care most about if their game is playable or not and not some other stuff, yet i do not see this is addressed or commented anywhere? Do not take this as rant, dont get me wrong, i love the game, but noticing this doesnt seem to be your top priority is simply put infuriating. Please please for the love of god make this your No.1 goal.
  6. Crazynez

    Will it lag?

    I'm looking to buy this game and i just wanna ask do you think the game will lag? i have 4GB Ram, i5 Intel 2.67 GHZ, AMD Radeon HD 5670