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Prokop Lagner

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Posts posted by Prokop Lagner

  1. 7 hours ago, Igor Q. said:

    Did someone say....psychedelic? You gotta share me your music playlists man?

    That would be a long list, but for example the Madhouse Express, REZN and Wovenhand are some of my most favourite bands :)

    7 hours ago, Igor Q. said:

    Those post light effects will be really cool, especially to create artificial fog. I'm imagining now being able to have a haunted house with an eerie red fog everywhere...

    You will see how they work. You can definitely do some spooky stuff with them and I will be looking forward to see what talented creators like you can make with the Custom Post Process Effects!

    7 hours ago, Igor Q. said:

    Extra question: When are we going to see more pirate content in Ylands? Ive got the hunch you might have stuff already in production??

    Man... I dream that one day, we will have enough time to just spit out any asset we would like :D I am very much into getting more seafaring themed stuff, from pirates through conquistadors and natives to also vikings etc. However, we still have a lot of other things to do, not only creating new assets. So as far as I know, the new pirate asset pack is not the priority number 1 right now.

  2. Hello and sorry for the delay.

    Unfortunately it is not a bug but a feature. It is not possible to make the ice blocks transparent now :(

    Hope it is not a big obstruction for your scenario.

  3. I am trying to resurrect playerbase of Guns of Icarus Online, which I will be playing sunday evening with some friends (and we are trying to play each sunday to create some "player peak" to fill the games). Meantime, I shall stick to board games, some Twilight Imperium will fill the rest of the weekend :D

  4. Hello,

    we are investigating the issue, but we also need some more information.

    Can I ask you for your log files and both the scenario with the composition you are working with?

    Thank you very much.


    Location of log files - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Ylands/Ylands_Data - file called "output_log_clean"

    Location of scenarios and compositions - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/XXX/YYY/remote - files "Scenarios" and "Compositions"

    XXX and YYY refer to numbers which are different on each user
