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About MysCyanide

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  1. Hi, I'm really loving the vicinity pickup but there's one minor detail that I find limiting. When moving items between your inventory and chests and/or dropping items, we have the option to ctrl-click and select how many we want to move from a stack. However, if I have placed a full stack of 100 iron ingots in my Blacksmith area and I want to craft a shiny new sword, which requires 2x iron ingots, I have no option but to pick up the entire stack of 100 using the vicinity option. I've been finding it a little annoying having to carefully freeplace the leftover stack back where I want it everytime I want to craft something. I can't really think of any way a ctrl-click option for vicinity pickup could be exploited, especially since it's already an option for every other means of item storage. It would be so great to be able to decorate my kitchen with piles of food or my blacksmith with neatly placed mountains of ingots that I can actively take from without the dread of having to redecorate each time. Thanks ?