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Everything posted by kwils

  1. kwils

    Dev Diary #133 - UI Suggestions

    I'd like more cross-linking in crafting. Like clicking on blacksmith forge and needing an anvil or bellows, I'd like to be able to click on the anvil/bellows from the ingredients panel as though I'd clicked on it from the crafting panel for however deep it needs to go (subject to the availability of the station needed to create it -- if it's not been revealed as craft-able yet) Also, I'd be much happier if the selections 2-9 worked as categories so that I could put tools in 2, food in 3, weapons in 4, etc. (taken to extremes... 'wood' in 5, 'stone' in 6) now I can click on 2 (or type the number "2") and have the UI extend upwards vertically showing all of the "tools" -- in this example -- currently in inventory allowing me to choose them from there versus having to go into inventory and re-assign. The icon and the choice for just "2" would be the last one chosen. There might be an unwanted advantage to have all of the numbers work as categories so maybe just the first 3 or something. Basically I spend a lot of time bouncing between inventory and crafting and find it to be tedious. Finally, and maybe this exists. I'd like the ability to wear 'armor' but have it look like something else. For the purchasable outfits in the store, that's how it works, but not for the craft-able outfits or I've not cracked it yet. It seems a lot of art time was spent on things like the Explorer, Engineer, Cowboy, etc. and it'd be nice if I could have the benefits of armor with a more appropriate role-playing "look". Cheers,