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Everything posted by aadesh51

  1. Not sure how to phrase this, tried searching a few different ways with no luck. I'm doing it in unity but I don't think that's relevant to the core question. I've dragged the pins from dungeon of the mad mage official mod maps to a new map (I'm using these which I've resized for 4k resolution with a 3.5mb jpg file size) After the pins were dropped I went through each encounter and unchecked the token markers, dropping them into the correct positions on the new map. I will run at least two groups through this, and the LOS work in unity took a while which I'd rather not have to replicate. Especially if I actually get through all 20 levels. So I exported my work to a mod. When I open that mod in another campaign, the pins are there and everything works great. Unfortunately, when I click the down arrow button to put the enemies on the CT, they go back on the original maps. Do I have to create duplicate encounters and export those with the map? Is it maybe possible to export the changed token positions by editing an xml state? I have a dmsguild module for dragon heist that overlays a bunch of pins for locations on the original module maps, it comes with instructions for putting a custom module state file in place, or splicing the xml in place if you have one already. Maybe something like that could be done, where I can diff the clean module state and my changes, save that output and place it in the module state folder of each new campaign where I open the module?