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Alex Sunny

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Everything posted by Alex Sunny

  1. Alex Sunny

    change game names in editor ?.

    thanks my issue has been fixed.
  2. Hello, I have been making changes to a live game in the editor and each time I exit the editor it saves a copy of my changes. Problem is that it saves a new copy with the same name. Now I have 5 copies of the same game listed when I open it in the editor. But there is no way (that I am aware of) to pick which one of the files with the same name when I open to play live in. There needs to be a 'save as' option in the editor as well as a way to change saved names or delete old games from the editor. Also, a way to pick which file I want to play if there are multiple games with the same name. I also posted this issue in the problems/bugs category, then found the files saved under my documents directory. thanks alexsunny
  3. Alex Sunny

    Sleeping On The Raft ?.

    Hello, im build a raft and put a sleeping bag on it and im sailing. When im try to lie, sometimes a shark coming and kill me when im lie on the raft. Sorry for bad English. thanks alexsunny