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Everything posted by Karasukun

  1. Karasukun

    Vehicles Slot Glitch

    Hi ! Thanks for answering. I was looking for more information about this and yeah, i learned about this bog. I just decided to buy more slot then ! Thanks ! I tried to do the ingame report but for some reason, it didn't work. I tried 3 times but i had an error. In the end, I succeeded to do it like 5 min ago. Thanks again for the answer ! The game is so cool and really refreshing. Hype to see more new features !!
  2. Karasukun

    Vehicles Slot Glitch

    Hi, i'm here to ask about my vehicles slot glitch. For a reason that i dunno, i suddenly had a second vehicle slot. I just finished all the mysteries island on the tropical biome at this moment, so i assumed it unlocked one slot more (especially because i just did the mystery island where we leave a pirate island with their own boat ("the teeth steps" if my traduction is good). But the problem is that later i decide to deny this new boat to take one from the workshop. That work. Later i needed to take the ship of friend, so i denied the one from the workshop, and claim the one of my friend. But then, impossible to summon it. Not even possible to unclaim it. My friend could claim it again so he did it, and now i have the name of my workshop boat who came back in the second vehicle slot, but when i summon this one, i have the purchasing menu who show up. I took some screenshot in case. If you have any clue on how to fix that, and if it was normal to have this second vehicle slot ? Thanks for reading, Karasu