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Posts posted by paulsoaresjr

  1. Thanks for the replies!

    I ended up building a small pen for the horse and just jump over the fence since i don't know how to make a gate yet. :P 

    I also figured out how to change the orientation with objects with a bit of trial and error. It's really quite robust once you know how to move stuff around and can really tweak the position of stuff like animal pelts and teacups, etc for perfect placement! 

    • Like 1

  2. Hi,

    So my horse will not stop following me. He's also right on top of me! Is there a command to make the horse stay in one spot until called?

    Also, I can't seem to extinguish torches. Pressing the "E" key to extinguish doesn't do anything though the animation does actually play.

    Lastly, is there any food that satiates longer than 30 seconds? I seem to get hungry again no matter how much I eat... Granted, I'm eating mostly fruit but even so I'm stuffing my face with it every minute or so...

    oops, one more! How do you make/place vertical logs? I can lay them down and stack them, but I can't seem to stand them upright


  3. He's definitely named and tame but that didn't stop him from tossing me! :P

    So we have to keep riding to make them less wild? But that could be a lot of deaths! Is there a way to land softer? Does armor mitigate fall damage? Can I stop the bucking? I wouldn't mind the training so much if I didn't have to reorganize after dying...

    Miguel, does SPACE stop the horse from throwing you? It seems like once he gets into this routine there's no stopping him! And yeah, I've done some Minecraft :)

  4. Hi! So I'd played a bit of Ylands about a year ago but have since lost touch. Can someone please explain the new "Exploration" mode or at least point me in the direction of write-up somewhere? Is it procedural? Is it (near) infinite (ala Minecraft)? Are there generated structures/ruins/dungeons/etc to discover? Wildlife? NPCs/Quests? I realize Ylands is still in development so much of this might not be in the game yet but planned for the future but I'd still like to know what the ultimate feature-set will be. 

