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About Sn3w

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  1. Thank you so much for replying Ane! No doubts any more! I will buy this game and enjoy it with all my heart. You just sold me by telling you can fight at sea (captain jack style) and that there will be an ultimate goal eventually. I cannot ask more of a game in this genre, and quite frankly, I dig the art style used in the game. I am eagerly awaiting the release of this game and will not rest until my friend buy it as well so we can be pirates, survivors, explorers of whatever we can think of Much love, Future Ylands survivor
  2. Hi everyone, I came across this game via Youtubers today and thought it looked really interesting. I do have a few questions before buying. I apologize if these questions have already been asked. I'm late to the Yland party 1. Does the game have secrets and things like chests and loot to find? 2. Will resources respawn or do you have to travel to different islands to find new resources? 3. Are there different weapons, clothes etc you can craft and do those have increased stats. Or does it not matter which version you craft of an item? 4. Is there some sort of end goal to the game or smaller in between mile stones you have to pass along the way. Or is it pure your own creativity? 5. Is it possible to have battles at sea with your boat (cannons)? 6. Is there an in game map? And if so, will you be able to see an icon on the map of where you died? 6b. If there is a map, is it possible to put pins or stickers on it for guidance? For instance, you can place a star on the map when you found something interesting, but need better equipment, so you want to come back later. The star sticker is a reminder as to where the exact location is. 7. Are resoures just up for grabs for everyone, so first come first serve? Or does every player have the possibility to pick up the same resources at the same time? 8. Are there currently players from the EU? Otherwise this game could become quite lonely Thank you for reading my post!