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Posts posted by Phantom081

  1. I builded my ship so sweet, 2 days, with my friends, we builded Decos, and this stuff, to make it look the best, wanned to make Photos for steam, and afer a restart because the inventory bugged again, everythink was away.. is there a build limit fir the ship ? If yes, REMOVE IT, it was so hard to do, and now i dont wanna play the game again, because that think, and this trash inventory bug..

    Good Day :)

  2. I Played with my friend together, we tryed to build a house, but the problem was, that the Wood was there, but no Pic of it and i could not grab it, so it freezed or so, but the game worked just fine, everytime we restart the server, after 5 mins, its happening again :( so, we cant play, pls fix that, if you need more information just tell me, thx
