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Posts posted by KrieG173

  1. I am also having the exact same problem as onion4567. The only difference being that this issue has occurred on a multiplayer world, with just myself and a friend playing. I died for the first time, and when trying to reload the new character, the loading got hung up for a good while. After I was finally able to respawn, interactions seemed broken. I could not open my map, open baskets, etc. So I gave up and just ran to where I knew my corpse would be. During this run (at least a couple minutes later), suddenly all the things I had attempted to do after respawning flooded my screen, obviously many not successful since I was no longer standing where I had first attempted these actions. I was able to recover my items ultimately, but upon returning to where we had made our home, I was still unable to interact things. So I tried saving and shutting down the program, restarting, but to no avail. Things just seemed out of sync or something. My friend had trouble connecting, and once logged in, at times would see things walking/running in place, then things would suddenly catch up after long periods of moonwalking. I'm attaching my log files as well. Hope this helps. It seems as if this will stall out any further play in this world until resolved. I might also add that my friend (I'm the host) had already died once, and had no problem respawning. This issue did not arise until I had died for the first time.


