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Posts posted by FluffyFoxtato

  1. Hey, I just bought the game yesterday, and I used the creative mode option for my world! I already am obsessed with the game, and I really love the entire aspect!! I am an interior designer at heart, and am going to go to college for interior design and things around interior design, and when I build my house, I just realized that it is really bland! There weren't that many modern amenities, or things that looked like it would fit in with my house! Although this problem was sort of a big one, I still enjoy the game so much, and really am glad that I bought it.

    Another thing about the game that I would LOVE to see implemented is PreFabs! Like blueprints in which you can create, and then place it wherever you desire, and then gather the resources to create it! It's like a layout plan, and a really helpful tool for those who can't build houses that look good, and stuff like that. 

    Thanks for giving me your time. -Matt

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