Hello Devs
I purchased the game a couple of days ago and I like it but, there are some things that I would like to do but I currently cant. I am playing on single player and Instead of building a base I built a big ship with a base on it. When I was ready to go the ship was stuck and when I was trying to dig it out I glitched inside it and all sort of physics errors came to life, was interesting since I flew out of the ship like a cannonball and landed in the middle of the ocean, fortunately, I was able to build a raft and go back to the yland. Now I know that I can head bump the ship in the first person if I want to move it.
I cant transport cars or horses using the ships this is unfortunate since i would like to move the tamed animals to other Ylands
I can respawn on a bed on my boat. Recover it after a death is insane
Map should have a scale so I can do the math and plot a course instead of trying randomly to find more land
Each yland should have clues to where is located the next yland (I discovered 3 and i never noticed any birds0, a note, a chest, a dead skeleton pointing finger whatever you like. looking for it randomly it's not always fruitful
The game should have a windows borderless option since it is so wiki and tutorials dependent.
These are some ideas I would like to see if possible. I hope you like them too.