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Posts posted by WijkagentAdrie

  1. I've seen the new cars! And are we gonna get weather/storms? :D 

    Also, the cars give the impression they might be modular, like the ships.

    • Upvote 1

  2. 1) On my server, all clients seem to freeze when someone else is connecting or disconnecting. On connecting this takes a bit longer.


    2) Also, sometimes the entire server freezes up, where you can only walk around but can't do anything else anymore. Rebooting the server usually fixes this.

    Sometimes even the entire savefile becomes corrupt although this hasn't happened in the 3 hours we've been playing today. I believe we mentioned this in the other topic already though. Will let you know as soon as this happens and send the savefile.





  3. The server is back up with a new map and double the CPU speed! Loading times are already at least 10x faster and the CPU doesn't seem to struggle as much. If there is any problem with the server please send me a private message on the forums and I will check it a few times during the day while at work to fix it for you :) 

    Because there is now a new map there is no designated PVP island yet, I will pick one as soon as the savefile corruption problem is fixed and we can start building a nice server!


    Enjoy all! 


    • Upvote 2

  4. Hi all! I'm currently designing/building a house in singleplayer to build in multiplayer later on and I thought, why not share some building techniques with each other? Off grid placement and clipping of items and blocks allows for unlimited creativity and by placing blocks just a little bit off the grid you can give some extra depth/detail to your builds :) 


    First off, one of the first pieces of test wall I usually make to check dimensions/sizes. In here I've placed the center stones of the windows off grid, the glass windows themselves and I've been experimenting with iron bars. Also added is sand onto the sandstone to give it a more rough finish. Especially on a distance where the textures start to become more vague this gives it a good look!


    Here is the 2nd test which I'm still working on as you can see. I take my inspiration from a castle/chateau I've visited a few weeks ago, with a few changes to make it more practical :) 


    Connections like those look impossible without any inner triangle corners available, but by going into freeplace mode and clipping a triangle into the roof you get a very nice seamless roof structure. Can also be used to make L or T shape roofs :) 


    Here I've clipped the corners of the windows into the arch. You could also make window arches by using glass this way :) Also, the keystone (the middle top stone of an arch) comes forward a bit.


    Here I placed some blocks just a tiny bit into eachother to give way more depth and feeling to the columns. Especially during certain times of the day cycle the shadows this cast gives it a lot more detail!


    I'm looking forward to seeing your building techniques, hope we all can learn from them and use them :D 


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  5. Great to hear this! Enjoy at E3 :) When will we be able to see the video? Is it the time/date in the picture? Also, a Steam release date changes absolutely nothing to me, we can play without it and the later the better as it means people will have a better experience and thus will bring more players to the game  :) 


    • Upvote 1

  6. I'm not sure if it's a bug or intentional, but after a while the blocks/items on a sunken ship simply disappear, leaving only a hull. This makes it impossible to recover any items onboard the ship later on to salvage and just looks plain weird to see an empty hull on the bottom :) Would be better if the entire ship would either despawn to keep game performance nice, have the ship not despawn at all or have it slowly despawn/get more damaged over time, where individual blocks disappear random 1 by 1 :) 


  7. The server wasn't powerful enough so I'm currently awaiting a CPU upgrade to make things more smooth! Will be back on ASAP! Also, nothing in this world will stay for the moment since saves will go corrupt every few hours/days, so we will be changing worlds regularly. Please tell me if the server crashed and you can't log back on, that means we're gonna have to start a new world.


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  8. We've encountered an issue where the client will freeze after sinking a ship using TNT. The first time both our clients froze upon dynamite blast. We blew up the ship because it was grounded. It was a bunch of dynamite attached to the ship, triggered by a frag grenade. Second time we tested it more on open see, the crash only occured after the ship had hit the bottom of the ocean. In both cases the crash happened while the ship was on the bottom, although the first time the moment of explosion + ship on bottom were the same moment (if you get me :) ). All this happened in a dedicated server!


  9. I know people have asked for a submarine but I believe the raft shouldn't be one :D  When placing the raft on a dedicated server it immediately went to the bottom like a stone.

    EDIT: Further analysis has shown that the floating capabilities of boats and ships are also not what they used to be.

  10. At the moment crafting in a dedicated server is bugged, if you have new items there won't be any new recipes added to the list. Tried this on my own remote server, have someone else try it on my server and tried it on someone elses server and it didn't work at all. Not even spawning tools/items would work.

    • Upvote 1

  11. 6 minutes ago, Ylanders UK Dedicated said:

    Good to know, then it seems likely that it's a unique IP issue, or local network issue. As others can connect to it (like it was a VPS), just I can't within my own network!

    I did notice that my server had popped up in the server list, prior to me port forwarding to it, suggesting that it's connecting locally on LAN. I guess it is possible this issue is then located in connecting via LAN (192.168.*.*) and it seems to choose to do this by default on the server list (no option to change this manually?).

    Short of hosting my server remotely, I'm not sure what to try next!

    I have a 16gb quad-core sitting waiting to be used for this server, I'd hate to part with the monthly money to get a dedicated server with this spec, when I've got a better option! I also have a very fast net connection which I pay a bunch for, would hate to waste these already paid for resources and host it remotely! 

    I'm currently hosting on a shitty VPS I was renting and wasn't using at the moment, I've made a forum post for it with the password. Despite the very low specs I didn't notice any lag yet, which seems ok. You mind if I add you on Steam if you have it?

  12. Hello guys! I've decided to host a dedicated server so we can start trying and enjoy the multiplayer experience.

    You can find the server in the list, it's called EXPLORE and the host is Wijkagent Adrie




    As there is a finite amount of space and people tend to destroy nature we will start with a fresh map every now and then - I will announce this. This will likely be whenever new updates require us :) Like in Dayz, please don't get too attached to your gear and the stuff you have built, there will be bugs, problems, accidents and the occasional fresh map change.
    There will be events (pvp? boatrace?) every now and then, also I'm looking for people to do tests with, for example comparing speeds for different sail setups on boats.
    Server hosted in Germany.

    Because I can't be on 24/7 policing the server and because there is a finite amount of space there will be a few rules and a password which you can find in this post (Find all bold letters, it's 8 in total!). I hate serverrules and admins as much as you do, yet to keep it fun for everyone they are necessary.

    Server rules:

    Please put signs at your place! This prevents confusion as to what is yours and what isn't.
    Don't destroy all trees/crops of a certain type, especially on spawn island,
    Don't build too close to other people, if you want to do so ask the neighbors first,
    Don't claim large plots of land, discuss this with me first,
    Don't do large "terraforming",
    No stealing, but please don't leave your stuff for grabs,
    Mild swearing allowed, don't get personal,
    Explosives: I understand you need these for weapons or to destroy parts of your own buildings since there won't be an annihilator. Please use the appropriate power for the task and don't stockpile too much explosives as you'll end up on my terrorism suspect list ;) 

    PVP only on/around the PVP island. PVP includes, cannons, players etc.
    Don't shoot INTO the PVP area, also don't shoot OUT of the PVP area.
    PVP area is fair game, griefing, "terraforming", swearing etc. allowed. Wanna try to stresstest my server with 1000 tnt? Go ahead! Keep it there however.

    PVP island is the island which is 2 islands east from the spawn islands. I've surrounded it with pirate flags to let you know you're there. Picture of PVP island:


    This is my server, all rules & decisions I make are final. I intentionally left the rules vague, common sense should prevail. Always remember we are just testing the game!

    That's it for the rules! I hope to see you all soon!

    • Upvote 4

  13. Regarding point 1: It prevents griefing by destruction, but it also enables griefing by blocking off doors/windows/entire buildings which will take hours to uncover again. I can already see this happen in multiplayer :D 

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