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Posts posted by OpaBear

  1. Me and my friend played together on a private server, well only I had the rights to the server. So I needed to be online when he wants to play or test something to build. Is there a possibility that in the future, more than one person has the rights to host the server with the same map? Maybe password secured?

    It would be nice aswell, if there were more admin commands, like one time my Friend respawned at a totally diffrent Yland after spawning in a ship. We never found us so we gave up that world.... (sadly :( ) It would be nice to have a teleport comand for players, or a time set to... command to have daylight, even maybe an command to set the current weather.

    But now to something totally diffrent. On another world me and my friend build a steam powered ship. The gray steam engines look sooo cool on it, we even build a chimney,(sort of, thingy...). It would be sooo cool to have a "chimney block" to put onto the engine, that would smoke at the top, only to extend the height of the chimney, it would be an additional block like the one to make it look longer. And additoinal to this theme, (I know theres a lot of boat stuff) how about to have more ship accessoirs, me thinking of, ship bells, figures to put under the nose of the ship, horns (only functioning with engines), self designable flags (just patterns in diffrent colours to choose from) or accsessible bird nests...

    Thats what im really looking forward to and I'm really hope this to be real soon, (even if its summer 2018)


    (sorry for my bad english :D)


    Greetings OpaBear
