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Posts posted by Jabba6241

  1. On 25.1.2018 at 7:34 PM, Whane The Whip said:

    I think my reply above has lent to the confusion. I have just edited it (the post above yours) and I'll correct myself here so there is less confusion. I believe what you want to do is possible (because I'm doing it). Given that you're renting a server (I am too) then I'm assuming you are running a DS, like I am.

    1. Exit Ylands
    2. Stop your server
    3. Copy the single file game save to your computer and place it into the SaveGames folder
    4. Start Ylands
    5. Load the Editor and open the game save file that you just saved to the SaveGames folder
    6. In the editor, drop a cube next to your character and save
    7. FTP your new save to your rented host and overwrite the old save (keep a backup, just in case)
    8. Launch your server, enter, and pick up the cube.

    Note: After you place your cube and save the game, you can optionally load the game as a single player game (hit cancel when it asks if you want to publish) and then pick up the cube... then FTP the game save and launch the server. Just in case you are concerned about someone else getting the jump on that cube.

    Note 2: I use the same method above to remove the corpses of dead players every couple of days. If you find that the performance of the server seems to be getting worse, then try that, it helps a lot, plus gets rid of all the bodies which is disruptive to building.

    Thanks ror the detailed answer but i got it sorted 

  2. Seems to be no clear answers here .

    Like i mean im the owner of a rented server and additem is a must in games 

    1 is the console command additem comming back? and if so when     and if not  admins should be albe to but creator cube into there inventory in Multiplayer 

    at the moment when u do try this in editor it automatically chnges game to singleplayer 

  3. Seems to be no clear answers here .

    Like i mean im the owner of a rented server and additem is a must in games 

    1 is the console command additem comming back? and if so when     and if not  admins should be albe to but creator cube into there inventory in Multiplayer 

    at the moment when u do try this in editor it automatically chnges game to singleplayer 



  4. Hello 

    I would like to suggest that Admins of a Rented server have access to either creator cube or additem command in console ,in all modes of the game not just creative 

    And hope the explore world get bigger and not  stay with approx just 5Ylands  or so 

    Yours Faithfully Jabba

  5. On 1.1.2018 at 9:19 PM, TheClockArm said:

    I think that the dedicated server commands are definitely a good feature but I was also talking about singleplayer specifically. I'm not an extremely hardcore survival player, and I enjoy the building in the game. Any time I want to play explore because of the exploration without previously knowing the map (duh), I always find myself discouraged because whenever I try to build something I always encounter a problem. For example- sometimes I end up wanting to change the building later that I made out of stone, which is as of now a little bit tedious and I could really use the annihilator in that situation, which is as of now only accessible in creative.

    tl;dr these commands (such as additem)could give single-player ylanders a larger range of difficulty 'settings' to choose from, and eliminate some of the frustration. 

    In single player you can Edit the Creator cube into your game ,
