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Posts posted by Y0ungSandwich

  1. 13 hours ago, Energritz_ said:

    I never said he couldn't did i? I'm just concerned with the sellout emphasis of things. Pitching /Selling out in your own Discord/Private Grp etc is fine, knock yourself out, it's yours

    When it's public for a small community group like Ylands, one can't help to think, what about the other guys? sure it's there fault for not getting out there, but there is also too much.

    Anyway i don't want to drag this out anymore, just concerned for the little guys, that's all, since P1 seems like a huge community already.

    No you did not and I didn't mean to come off saying that you did. But I suppose until the community leaders have an issue with it he is free to advertise. Just as you and the little guys could be doing as well. Some people are 100% turned off by a large community. Plenty of room for little communities to grow. I don't see it as a bad thing really. Things like this can help a games population. But I've been running a mediumish gaming community for over 5 years now so I might see it differently I guess. Always had competition lol. But looking at it like competition is the wrong way. Just play with your group and have fun! I hope we do see more diverse communities across this awesome game though! 

  2. He's creating a community and a network. He can pitch what he pleases. Come into my discord and my modpacks and you will see me pitching information about my partners. 


    I'm glad he has pitched his YouTube. I've learned a lot from his editor videos and have had immense support via his discord. 

    But on topic. I'm dieing for Linux support as well as a server monitor that is less temperamental than a 4 year old. 

  3. Do you have a round about number of how many active players have come through? Not just concurrent. Just for reference. 

    We have 5 on our test server so Ill keep an eye out. We are purposely testing lag causing issues. i.e. dropped items, stacked seeds, etc.
