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Found 1 result

  1. I find it hard to aim at things. some examples are: when trying to enter a station or storage I cant get the one I want to be selected unless I go into first person camera mode. I can't figure out where I'm aiming when using a tool/weapon such as a hammer or war hammer or axe act. for example, there is a wood block on top of my wood floor that i'm trying to break but it keeps hitting my floor instead unless i move randomly a bit and even then it hits the block one time and then goes back to hitting my floor. Attacking animals seems to have nothing to do with where my mouse is aiming but i can't tell if this is intended and I am missing something. Also I can't tell how picking up things is controledin the sense that when I aim at an item it often picks up another item next to it seemingly randomly. PS I love this game.