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I might be remembering wrong, but I believe that my friends and I have previously played Ylands and was able to go to seperate islands. One would go to mine copper or iron in another region, while one was at the home island, working on the base.

As I said, I might be remembering wrong, but we can't seem to do this now. We've tried both SharedGame and Hosted and whenever the host leaves a region, all the clients get booted from the game if they are not on the ship when leaving.

Am I remembering wrong?


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Hi, this was always like this but I will rather clarify it more thoroughly.

If you are playing on steam and you are playing local game or sharegame, both of these are peer to peer games = one player is always hosting it and rest are clients connected to him -> anytime host disconnects the session is ended an all other players are sent to main menu. The only difference between local game and sharegame is that when host leaves sharegame its save is also uploaded to our storage which is accessible to any any participant -> any player who was present in the sharegame can rehost the save and continue (they can connect back and the first who will connect will host it). In case of simple local game it can run only when original host is there.

If you are playing on rented server (can be played on steam, MS store, iOS and android), which is only rentable for coyns, game is always online and no player is needed for hosting.

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