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Posts posted by -ghost-tf

  1. Happened in both build 0.02.12564 and build 0.02.12696

    Today I tried to join a multiplayer session with 2 other friends of mine, but when joining the server I get stuck on the character creation screen. My friends are able to create a character but when they get past that they are stuck looking at the sky but no loading messages show up.

    All 3 of us have tried to host but nothing worked, in the end my friends managed to join eachother with Hamachi, but I still got stuck on the character creation screen, video below shows what happens for me.

    -After enabling local MP server before you create a new game, it will reset the player count and password once you are ingame. You will have to change the max players again through Esc>scenario settings > setup (otherwise the server will show 1/0 players in the server browser).

    -The passphrase also doesnt seem to work, you can still see and join the server without having to type any passphrase.


  2. Hello, 

    Really liking this game so far, but I have found an annoying problem.

    After playing with an avatar for about an hour and then quiting to the main menu, he disappears from the island. The island selection screen tells me something like "You have no avatars on this island", this happened to me twice and the first time I thought the game somehow didnt save. So the second time I started quick saving manually very often but that didnt help since i got the same problem now. If I load the island while it says "You have no avatars on this island" it automaticly creates a new character for me while losing all the stuff I had in the iventory with the previous character. I should add that I have 2 different islands, and the character of my "active" island disappears while the other doesnt.

    EDIT: Added video to show what exactly happens.

    So basicly after cutting down that tree (or after picking up the loot of the tree), I suddenly couldnt use or scroll between my tools. I fixed this exact same issue yesterday by going back to the main menu and reloading the island, but apparantly this doesnt always work and there is a risk of losing your character.

