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Posts posted by Onedown

  1. 30 minutes ago, Ane said:

    What issue are you referring to?

    You can search my forum name for previous posts if you so desire.  You get paid for your time,  I do not.  I was kind enough to spend considerable time already in reporting the bug as as concisely as I could and even provided a saved game file for testing.

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, U dead lmao said:

    im already waiting for over a week now everyday just bc of that little issue. Its just not acceptable for the prize u need to pay for the game if u cant even really play it

    That's the main problem with early access games.  You pay for it before it's finished, This is only the second early access game I've purchased and I got burned on the first one which was from a trusted AAA studio my solution for not only games but other products I purchase is that if they turn out to be junk I don't buy anything else from the manufacturer that made it.  In the case of early access games it's really silly to pay for a product that technically never needs to be finished and gamers still fall for it.  I bought this game in early access because I deemed it was worth the purchase price based on youtube videos of the single player aspect.  I got a lot of game time in before it became unplayable for me after I think update .7 and the bug that kept me from playing was so obscure that they never even acknowledged it as a known issue and no update since has stated that the problem had been fixed so i'm waiting until it comes out of early access to reinstall the game and try it again.  I'll decide then whether to make future purchases form this game studio and whether or not to recommend my friends try the game or stay away from this company.

    I still don't understand why early access is still popular,  we would never buy anything else before it was finished (except some people who bought tesla's).  The last early access game I bought realized the player base was too small to justify finishing it so they rushed a sloppy release and shut the servers down 6 months later.  I got a lot of game time out of that game as well but I prefer not to patronize that studio in the future because I have purchased over a hundred games from reliable studios that I can still play when I want to play them years later.  I don't mean to be harsh but this is what studio's open themselves up to by selling an unfinished product.

  3. 2 hours ago, U dead lmao said:

    OK Im waiting for 2 days straight now and no one even reads my threads. I would really apprecciate some help. like i said 4 times before, my compositions dont show up.

    There only seems to be a handful of people actively posting but seriously your forum name is such an obvious taunt that maybe the players don't feel the need to engage with you.  If you really are having problems maybe you'll get a reply from one of the devs.  A bit of advice for the future just in case you need help maybe you shouldn't lead with a taunting forum name.  Being nice helps.

    • Upvote 2

  4. 7 hours ago, Energritz_ said:

    At this rate i have a lot of doubts for this project, i won't say anymore because there are white knights here that will down vote me, for constructive criticism and taking it negatively,  because my logic is too real for them. Another reason i don't bother posting here anymore, because i don't feel welcome. Due to this and broken dev promises it's very likely by September the only 24/7 Public Oceania server will cease to exist.

    I have to agree with you.  My doubts stem from the fact that they failed to create a positive experience for multiplayer before the number of active players dropped to a level where most bugs will not even get reported when new updates do come out.   I've seen this happen in early access games before.  I think the premise of the game is fine for a single player or perhaps co-op the way it is priced but I think they are going to struggle with combat, sync issues and griefing in multiplayer until only a few players remain.  One thing I think they should definitely do is get rid of sleep and make the night time just bright enough to continue playing. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, bojo2736 said:

    Im pretty sure she was talking about the online world.  She mentioned her RL job to talk about assessment skills. 

    And you should come check out the time, effort and care she puts in to have a fun, safe place for serious players. Then see the devestation to all that work from just one troll. It does get disheartening.

    I totally understand her pain and frustration and I feel bad that she doesn't understand why it happens and I tried to explain the best way I could.  My main point is that when a person engages in an activity where they feel frustrated over and over again they maybe need to change course until the problems with the game are solved.  In reality the problems may or may not ever be solved.   I don't claim to know how seriously this affects her life but it sounds like she in in distress over a computer game she has no control over.  I genuinely feel bad and wanted to let her know she is in 100% control over her choices in what games to play. Ultimately as people we are responsible for choosing games that fit our needs.  I like multiplayer games and people and I hope to play YLands multiplayer someday but I refuse to subject myself to that kind of frustration until the game is more friendly to PvE players.

  6. 10 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    But  whats   new?  real life is the same   so would  Ylands  be different?

    You have a really dim view of humanity and a warped sense of reality.  Online game play in multiplayer games differs from real life in one very important aspect in online games and things like social media you never have to look anyone in the eyes.  I'd say real life is completely opposite of what you state.  Most people are wonderful people.  When you play online PvP games you have to remember it's not real life.  I suggest you go to a park or a library or a pub or a mall and smile at people and say hello instead of basing your perceptions on fantasy online games where people sign up specifically to kill your character and ruin your day.  I dont find it surprising at all that PvP games attract people with anti-social tendencies who wish to ruin your day.  As an example yesterday I ran a few errands.  E-check center for my car.  100% wonderful people who smiled and engaged in conversation including workers customers and even a volunteer who was filling the charity gumball machines and removing the money that wonderful people spent on candy for charity smiled and said have a great day.  Second was the bureau of motor vehicles to renew my license tags where again people waiting in line engaged in conversations smiled at each other,  laughed and joked with each other and even some of the workers who were extremely busy took the time to smile and joke around a bit.  In short PvP games attract people with anti-social tendencies they always have and they always will.  Even games that have separate servers for PvP and PvE have bleed over from PvP servers.  You cant change that.  You can only change the way you act and which games you play if you do that you will have 100% control of your gaming experience.  I myself abhor griefing as you do but i'm a realist and i Know I have no control over other people actions and I play mutilplayer games where it's held to a bare minimum.  Sure there are bad apples in real life but 94%?  Really? 

  7. 1 hour ago, Bradles said:

    Hi everybody!

    So been playing on one of the official Eu servers with some buddies and have found 8 islands currently still looking for more, and it seems that everything is depleted especially majority of the main resources....

    what can we do apart from possibly find new islands if there is any extra? do we basically just give up and move to new server??


    I haven't played a MP game yet because of issues like this and other's and I haven't seen anything from the devs that addresses this issue that I can recall.  Ive never played a Multiplayer game where resources do not respawn when the resources are integral to the core game play.  I'm curious as well as to what players are expected to do when all of a sudden they run out of resources and cannot progress any further.  I've seen it stated by devs that they intend this to be more of a platform for people to create there own games but what I dont understand is why unsustainable elements have been added.  Perhaps they can take they time to clarify.  Are these elements hidden beneath the surface?  I know some are in caves as well as on the surface but if you run out on the surface there is no safe way to enter the caves unless you can progress to the helicopter pack thingy and the mining helmet and a decent weapon.  I know in the SP game which I have played the amount of starting resources and locations of them have seemingly been random so if its the same on MP servers (which i'm not sure of) you may have started on a server with minimal resources to start with.  I don't know if this is what they intend for their customers to experience or not or just an oversight in the development process.

  8. when the game worked for me and i was playing i built my piers out of dirt because they showed up on the map,  im not sure if that is still the case since they changed how the map works.  It was handy for steering back into port because I could see it on the map when it was well out of rendering distance.

  9. 3 hours ago, kimbuck said:

    Well well well  ..you can change your name  but not  your BI account identification No.  One of our players saw a  superb 3 masted  yacht   parked offshore... sailed by a  new  guy  still in  his undies.  She wondered  how a  ship could be  built in such short time by a  new player

    Well it turns out the ship had  been stolen and this new guy  has a  similar name  to someone who earned a reputation for  griefing and  harassing on a PVE public  server.  A quick  check by admins and its the same  guy. he was obviously   on this Pvte server  looking for revenge...  and as he  had stolen a ship, was not here to  create and be social.

    Well stealing is a  No No  and an indication that the rules are not  going to be  observed  so this  dude has now been banned from ALL of Red's  servers and its  probably  best  for other private  server admins to  note and  follow  suit. Message   Red or me  for  his  BI account  no.

    Sorry  old  fruit,  you have  given yourself a bad name , and its obvious  you read these forums and  know where people are ... so  coming after them  and stalking them on a PVE server/game wont work. Changing your name  doesn't  work   too ...

    If you like PVP so much, why not  join those servers? Obviously  PVP is  your   aim and source of  enjoyment...we are not  stopping  you going to play on them,  so why not   join your  like  genre and leave the PVE people  to enjoy their  game.

    Meanwhile   we  continue to build and thrive on a friendly  PVE server with a great  community .. come  join us on Red Eagle  P!  server....      :D


    Unfortunately with the tiny number of players active on mp servers active groups are going to get targeted.  Unless things have changed recently the last time i looked there were only around 50 people playing on MP servers and a good number of those were not public.  Maybe you'll have better luck when the game gets fixed enough to attract more players and the griefers are able to find more active groups to go bother.  Also with the small amount of active players these griefers probably have no problem hitting up all the servers with people on them so it's probably not just you guys that are getting bothered.

  10. If they cant fix the eating of non food items bug maybe they can implement a regurgitate function for those times when you eat something you should not. Swallow your keys?  Your map?  No problem just stick your fingers in your mouth and voila!  The items are back!

    • Haha 3

  11. 1 hour ago, Indomitus said:

    Are we still confusing version numbers?  0.1 is not 0.10.  These are not decimals.

    Is this the new math?  I learned real math and they look like decimals to me.  math is important.  if they didn't want people to think they were decimals they should not have made them look like decimals.  It is confusing without a doubt.  if they really want people to not be confused they should explain the system they use in a pinned post.  This came up before and devs declined to comment on it,  maybe that's why people are still confused.  To me it looks like they thought 1.0 would follow 0.9 because it's supposed to be the end of early access and instead of using conventional version numbers they tacked a 0 on the end instead of a 1. if they would have made it 0.91 there would not be the same confusion. 

  12. 1 hour ago, SyxtySyx said:

    Please read issues with Multiplayer before posting bugs that are well known. Trust that developers are working on a fix for these bugs if they are labeled "known issues" These forums are here to help you understand issues incurred in Alpha stage, they are not a venue for launching complaints against the inadequancies of the developers when you are simply reporting a bug that is widely known throughout the developer and user's current landscape and focus of resolve.



    You know this guy payed for this game,  it's not his job or responsibility to work for the devs for free by wasting his time reading every single post in the forums to check to see if his issue has been reported already.  The guy was nice enough to report a bug that he was under no obligation to report in the first place and you chastise him for not knowing it was a known issue?  Accept it for what it was,  a bug reported by a paying customer,  get that?  A paying customer,  not a volunteer beta tester,  not a compensated employee.  Would you rather people who don't want to read every post looking for their issue just not report bugs?  Devs,  is this what you want?  I think you owe this person an apology.

  13. I think it's a terrible idea to have real world countries flags in a PvP fantasy game.  I know we all have pride in our countries but a fantasy game where people kill other peoples avatars for fun should stick with fantasy and stay out of the real world.

  14. Until they implement some kind of ownership and shared ownership of every thing you place in the world these types of exploits will continue,  i've said it before and i'll say it again if the programming allows a griefer to do something he or she will do it.  It's weak programming and as this type of behavior is common across the board in these types of games it should have been planned for from the start.  It's this lack of planning on the part of the developers that made me lose confidence that this game will ever be successful. 

  15. 11 hours ago, SyxtySyx said:

    A few months back, I downvoted a comment that this user posted that I thought was racial, off color, and non constructive. I'm sure he or she meant it as a joke.

    Today, he or she scoured the forums downvoting everything he or she could find posted by me. 

    Who really cares about down votes or up votes?  It's not like people who are interested in a topic say to themselves,  Hmm this has been down voted I better not read it.  I think most people don't even look at how many downs or ups they have.  It's social nonsense to care what someone you don't even know thinks about something you write so don't take it personally.

    • Like 1

  16. 11 hours ago, Indomitus said:

    (If your fear were true, the Steam forums would be the worst possible place to post anything.  Spoiler:  It's not.)

    My login ID is different than the ID I post with on purpose and no matter how snarky you get you wont convince me giving half your login info is even remotely a harmless thing and you really should not try to convince others that it's harmless.

  17. 13 hours ago, Aleš Ulm said:

    Also, it was way too easy for griefers to simply change their name and keep harassing others while assuming a new “identity” with every game they entered.

    Ok so define griefing please.  What ive seen is players playing multiplayer complaining about other players doing things that the game allows them to do Like killing people while they are offline,  stealing things,  making a mess and depleting all the resources.  Maybe griefing should be addressed after the game programming stops allowing this behavior.  If people are expecting others to play under some sort of code of honor and ignore what the game programming allows them to do I'd have to call that pie in the sky thinking.  It gets really tiresome watching some people call others nasty names for doing things the game programming allows them to do.  Don't get me wrong I abhor people who play just to make other people miserable but seriously if the programming does not change the griefing will not stop.  I suggest making a list of behaviors you consider griefing and program them out of your game.

  18. 13 hours ago, Aleš Ulm said:

    What we, in the end, decided to put in 0.9 is the following behavior. Every player (be it a new one or someone who’s been playing for a longer time) will be asked at the screen where their avatar can be adjusted to enter their new Ylands name.

    I really hope this will not apply to single player mode.  Will it?

  19. 2 hours ago, bojo2736 said:

    Nah, I don't like my Steam name.  Let us choose.

    Not only that but using the steam ID is like giving hackers half of your steam account info for free.  No thanks.  There is a reason posting and play names should differ from the main account.  This would be like saying Hey Hackers!  If you want half my steam account info just join YLands.  Using the steam ID is a terrible terrible idea and should not be done even voluntarily let alone a default.

  20. I agree with TheSparkPlug,  for me combat has always been incidental to game play.  As far as how many bugs could have been squashed goes I think that as of now the majority of bugs are not even being reported due to a dwindling active player base.  Things do desperately need fixing,  I lost the ability to play the game a few updates ago and that issue never even made it into the known issues status so i don't think it has ever been looked at as a bug.  Sometimes the desire to be a jack of all trades leads to the result of being the master of none.  Find the thing the game does the best and fix it so more people can enjoy that aspect of it and maybe even stick around long enough to report bugs.  For me exploring was best before the update that rendered the game unplayable for me after exploring was only halfway done.  And I remind myself once again what a terrible idea it is to buy a game based on promises of things to come.  I know i'm being critical but i am also offering advice from a consumers point of view.

  21. On 5/13/2018 at 9:29 AM, TheSparkPlug said:

    So, having purchased a load of hieroglyphs from a shady merchant, I decided to use them to write my name on a wall... only to discover they are all back to front!   

    The same is true of the clock on the astrological carpet (but, strangely, not the symbols).

    Is this a case of the side of a block you see depends on which direction you are facing when you try to place it?  Like if you face the opposite direction when you try to place it do you see the correct side then?  If i remember correctly as its been ages since I reported my inability to finish a game and still cant play but i remember the blocks always came out facing a certain direction relative to the world,  not relative to the player but i may be remembering wrong.  I think this was the case for beds as well.
