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Posts posted by Ricktor

  1. @Aleš Ulm -

    Quote from dev diary 29:

    "On the other hand, there are features that we were planning to add or expand, and we have delayed them because we feel right now other things are more important. For example, at this point, ""we wanted to have at least some offline version of the game available, but with the monetization present in the game there are some things programming-wise that need to be taken care of before we can do that"

    You're right when you said it was planned, however the point is added and pointed out right there based simply on the in-game market, aka micro-trans is what is putting it on hold, and yet that is being expanded, as I said I'm not bashing the game or anything and I'm aware of the minimal work required to create base line art assets in terms of simply cosmetics, however that is still the problem I have. As said, good luck it still doesn't change my mind that it's being put on the shelf till then, best regards. o7

  2. Saddens me to say, still nothing addressed about being able to launch the game in offline mode, yet "more spend money stuff". I really like the game and enjoy the brief times I do get to try it, but as it stands this game is now just going on the shelf till this changes. Good luck BI and Ylands team, sadly disappointed. :\

  3. To be honest if I had known about the zero offline capability issue to begin with I would have waited quite a bit longer before buying into the EA of this game... I mostly only play the sandbox games as they typically give me plenty to do when I'm out at work camps for months on end where net access isn't even a thing "which I will be returning to in a week" this whole micro-trans generation is really starting to irritate me to no end.... Guess I still have others that work just fine when steam is in offline mode. Only reason I even became aware of this was when setting up my laptop for the trip and making sure everything was working "guess what, black screen on Ylands". Add that to your tags in the steam store or make it known to people before they purchase. "Active internet connection required to play" =\ Just a suggestion.... Don't get me wrong the little time I have put into the game so far I have really enjoyed, but that means nothing if when I decide to access said app and I can't well, then I move on to the next one which typically ends up getting it cast to the wayside, then put out of mind.

    I started getting more into EA and indie games due to the fact that 90% of them DON'T require me to be online 24/7 as compared to companies like Elec Arts using origin and such apparently I was wrong however. =\ But that's just my opinion, and as we know, everyone's got one.

    • Thanks 1