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Everything posted by LeGreyWolf

  1. There are a few things that I have seen while playing the game that I am curious if this is something that is being reported here or not. I've seen several posts about some of these on steam, but I am not seeing them in the list of knowns. Water - Digging while underwater to build causes the water level in a large area to drop and not fill in again. FPS issues in Single Player - I keep seeing instances where the game hangs for a second or 2, and after FPS drops to around 18-20 before climbing back to 59/60. (I know this is Early Access, and Optimizations might still be pending, but the spikes also seem to be related to network connection, rather than system hardware/software communication.) Last thing is not really a bug, but an advantage in my mind, but I was curious if this was something that would be patched or not since it is something I use to save area space. Plants - Seeds for Food and Trees can be stacked when planting, and will allow each to grow in place over one another. Other than that, you have a great game in the works here. Can't wait for the optimizations and finished product. output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt