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Everything posted by kaorukensi

  1. kaorukensi

    Protective Barrier size

    hi just came back for the game a figured out that they changed the size of the barrier, tripled i guess so if anyone ever measure it may i know the exactly size in blocks for the barrier. may i know how many block from the bottom and from the top of the device.
  2. kaorukensi

    Sneak Peek #51

    griefer are all creative lol. they found out the way to get in my house by teleport with the ladder. i consider that is a bug and hope they fix it in 0.9 patch.
  3. kaorukensi

    Dev Diary #35

    will the server be wipe when update to 0.9?
  4. i unable to sleep and alway got this message "The sleeping panel is already open for someone else" but i am the only one in the server output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  5. kaorukensi

    How did the barrier worked?

    sorry but i dont fully understand the barrier. i saw someone sat in their front house i tried to hit them but they are protected. i sat inside a box with one side open (i got the floor the roof and 3 walls surrounded me) and someone can still kill me inside my barrier. My ign is Ko i am playing in server 42. yesterday my house lost internet connection, but i am inside my barrier and inside my half building house. so i am pretty sure i will be ok. this morning i wake up a guy named YAO killed me. he stole all my stuffs include the flying pack. this server is lack of mutated animals. i went to 5 islands cannot find anything so i am feeling like quiting the game now
  6. kaorukensi

    How did the barrier worked?

    when i log back this morning it said that a guy named Yao killed me with the STONE AXE @@
  7. silly question but can other player in MP use energy linker to disable your energy steam inside your barrier protection (like disable your force field door) and how do i lock the energy door beside the switch (the actual door use energy not force field one). thank you
  8. kaorukensi

    Question about energy linker

    just pump this up so people can see this question @@ been waiting for someone to answer me.
  9. my title say it all. i screwed up on placing my barrier how do i start over on official server again. or can you guys anyone in dev team please wipe my character on or official server please.
  10. kaorukensi

    start over on official server

    just let you guys know my character is in god-mode now i dont feel hungry and nothing can kill me even 5 of the sharks lol