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Posts posted by Apokh

  1. Smth is terribly wrong. I have GPU at 40% CPU at 20% and 3FPS. (Ryzen 7, GTX1070 OC, DDR4, SSD)


    EDIT: Not in Singleplayer.


    EDIT: After struggeling with the 2 FPS I found out it had sth to do with my recently seeded Echinacea Field.

    (Dont build Plants on Ships!!!)

    • Haha 1

  2. Know what would be awesome for the UI? Something like in ARK/Dark&Light (etc) where the UI "remembers" what I had on Slot X - even when I dont own this item anymore.
    Especially on building and crafting this brings the effort, that you where able to craft structures just by pressing that button (if you had anything for it in the inv). If you would implement this...and improve it by letting me press STRG+Slot X to habe the "amount display" pop up to craft more than one - that would be awsome.

  3. Hi,

    sure - it may be an appropiate question, why i did not try myself.
    The answer is - i dont know how but more than that I forgot and need my rare spare time to play :P

    No, honestly I´d try when I have no quest to do with my mates. But perhaps someone already knows.

    I wonder, if it is possible to lift a ship from the water surface, build a box of glass under it and lowerr the ship - without having water in the box *cough* submarine*cough*

    Would that work? Or will it leak and run full of water ? Did anyone try?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. You only seem to "hear" the answers you want to without answering the questions that are basic for playing the game. There are way to find out, if the internet connection makes the difference (the magic word here is "ping") or which of your hardware is the bottleneck (magic word "GPU-Z" and "CPU-Z" or just "MSI Afterburner").Better internet won´t make a change when the pc does not meet the requirements. But good luck...

  5. 1 hour ago, Ane said:

    So we were aiming for this week, but as you know, we avoid having updates on Fridays, so next week it is! Can't really say which day specifically though.

    actually you where aiming for last week :) but better test twice...last time I had to struggle 2 wks before I had my server back on.

  6. Hello out there,

    after playing Ylands for about 100 hours now, I want to give some feedback on whats on my mind about the current state of the game and what I´d really love to see in the near future.
    Please excuse wrong use of language, if you finds some- for my native language is not english ;)

    At first let me say, that I bought Ylands on EA Release in November 17. I was very sceptical - even though I had the chance to sneak peak it on gamescom last year for over an hour.
    When the DS was implemented Ylands got interesting for me. And as I started to have a small server for relaxed Ylanding when my ARK friends where not there I enjoyed Ylands more and more.

    I really love the grafix style- even though it was love on second sight tbh.
    One of the most satisfying mechanics, is the exploration. Finding new Ylands, ne ressources and new things to craft and to build.
    Therefore I really need to mention, that te "arrangement" of NSC Buildings and remains of former visitors on the ylands really cought me. 
    To find a tree house wich seems recently left or a tipi in the desert which seems to be left head over heels after some kind of native-cowboy orgy is what makes a big part of the charme of ylands.



    Another thing which is sooo nice (!!!!!1111) is the "free placement" of all Objects in the world. I guess that this is a big challenge for a (multiplayer) game but don´t dare to take it away.



    The performance...yes...the performance...
    Last year I began to build my "dream rig". I´m old enough to be a pragmatic "pc upgrader" so I´m atm playing on a Ryzen 1700X with 16GiGs of DDR4 3000 and a EVGA GTX1070 - which - In my eyes is a pretty okay top-midrange rig. Ylands settings on High or Ultra do not really affect FPS- which are most time "okay" but with pretty ugly drops sometimes.
    I dont need Ylands to run on 60FPS all the time, but constat frametimes is the big challenge with "such games". It´s a problem all "these games" like Ylands, ARK, Dark and Light etc. do have to deal with. But at the moment - pre alpha- it does not matter too much to me. It´s playable.



    At the end of my "first look" let me point out some things I´d really, really like to see in Ylands in the "not too far" future:

    - more "electricity" workstations such as foundry, kiln and smelters
    - more "steam stuff" with ....STEAM...and Cogwheels and all this  -perhaps trains :D
    - I really need a tool or objects I can build "tracks" with - my idea to have a racing track on our Yland lacks of stones being not destructable (even after having the mining drill which was my last hope) and these stones also have the might to float when I dig away the gound they where lying on Q.Q
    - I need a shipyard, where it is possible to build ships on solid ground without the movement of the ocean
    - farm animals and much more food receipes
    - some descriptions/ tutorials or a better wiki where I can take a look, when I don´t get a receipe/blueprint and don´t know whats missing to get it into my crafting list


    There are some points in the sneak peaks and in the announcement - which I dont seperately want to mention at this point, for I know they are coming - such as companions, progammable circuits and  (big exclamation mark) the improvements for the dedi servers (replenishing ressources, orp, performance, spawn, rules etc.)

    So far my first look at this point.
    Have a nice time in Ylands - looking forward to whats coming.



    Download (1).jpg

    • Like 3

  7. I dont like griefers, too. But at some point it´s just "mimimi". I saw people go afk in the wilderness or log out where they stood - crying "griefing" after returning. I dont feel compassion with those. Imo its easy to use such words inflationary. As I said earlier  -I hope there will be some kind of system where its possible to differ between real griefers ans "so called griefers". Otherwise I could be griefing ppl by just denigrate them to the admin. But  -it is a very good step I do really appreciate the changes.

    Am I the only one, who finds this "runscape map leak image" rediculous?(!!!no offence!!!) It also did appear on the FaceBook stream ...for me it feels like  *facepalm* als long as all we see is a single wall with a gate .....


    as there is  nothing on the horizon for  0.9, how about  refreshing   half the servers   from each region...and give us something to explore  rather than wander around ruined landscapes with  nothing left?

    At the moment  people are losing interest.....o.O



    There are ~150 people playing this worldwide. So perhaps thats the wrong time to get cold feet :)
