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Everything posted by MasterMalakai

  1. I want to start by saying what a great job you have done her already, I'm so completely engaged and can't wait to see what the future holds for this title. Over the next few days and weeks I will continue to update this list of my thoughts and ideas of the things I'd like to see implemented in the game, lets not waste anymore time and get stuck in. #1 The ability to remove objects with the hammer, like you do within the protected barrier, should be applicable anywhere in the world on a single player map. The Generator is quite redundant here and only applies to a small area; I build quite large towns and ports and I want to be able to edit me design freely without this constriction. #2 a much clearer indication of the different craft-able items, specifically the buildings such as stone blocks. It's hard to determine how big they are without crafting them and seeing for yourself, but over time you try to think back to which one it was you crafted and it's a guessing game all over again. Some kind of reference such as grid size i.e 2x3x1 meaning 2 wide 3 long and 1 deep, would be greatly appreciated. #3 the island variation is a little lack luster. I'd love to see some interesting formations such as natural harbors, sea caves and rivers with land bridges. Points of interest that would inspire to create and build unique bases and lairs. #4 so the large ship doesn't do well in shallow seas. So perhaps a small dingy that sits on a pulley system on the side of the ship, like they have in real life? You can drop anchor in the deep sea and row inland. This would create some intense pvpve moments when making off with some treasure, frantically rowing back to your ship under supporting, or not so supporting, cannon fire. #5 this leads to my thoughts on the pvp and pve elements. I haven't played a lot of multiplayer other than that on a private game with friends, so I don't have any idea how it works in an open server but I will give it a go soon and check back in later. But I would love to see more npcs running around doing their own thing. Like villagers etching out their lives, pirates making it hard for them (and us of course) and law bringers doing their best to stop them. I like the idea of Pirate raids on your town, it would have to be moderated so at first its a small party but when you have unlocked certain technology or have built a fort of some sort then they start throwing their lot in with cannon support from the sea and larger parties. Would love also to be the lord of my own village, to layout plans for construction and watch my AI subjects toil in its construction. Quite possibly designate roles for them? Or provide the opportunity, such as build a farm, and eventually have an npc move in and start working. #6 I haven't found any yet, maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but some sunken treasure? That's it so far but I'll be back with more when I think of it!
  2. MasterMalakai

    My Thoughts and Suggestions (frequent editing)

    Oh ok! Like I said, not looking hard enough. Thanks!