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Everything posted by CdriXX

  1. CdriXX

    sign panel

    Hello @Ane, text sign i can write on ? Inside the game ? i Don't see them ...
  2. CdriXX

    guild system

    Hello, in next update, can you introduce a guild system ? or friend system ? with global chat ingame for all the guilde/ all friends and rights for the magical fence
  3. CdriXX

    sign panel

  4. CdriXX

    map / place

    Hello, it would be interesting to be able to annotate places on the map?
  5. CdriXX

    Dev Diary #39

    In the inventory, It would be nice to be able to delete all the stack of an article at one time. Can you set the keys of the gaming mouse for example to open the inventory with a click?
  6. CdriXX

    Joueurs FR

    Bonjour, j'ai un serveur privé avec 4 slots de dispo, si des joueurs sont intéressés, merci de l'indiquer
  7. CdriXX

    move objects

    Hello, it would be interesting to be able to move objects anywhere in the game (even without magic fence and hammer).
  8. CdriXX

    cherche joueurs FR

    Bonjour, Cherche des joueurs FR et/ou un discord FR.
  9. why can i do to create a new world for multiplayer "free of charge"