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About BokuDesuNe

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  1. BokuDesuNe

    Crouch, Walk, Run

    The walking mode implemented does not seem to prevent falls, and the lack of crouching is problematic for many of the POIs. In fact, it is problematic for every door in the game since the character seems to clip the top of any 6-voxel passage. I am not running the graphics at the highest setting. Is this a performance scaling issue--i.e. have others running at higher settings experienced the same problem--or is this a bug?
  2. BokuDesuNe

    CANT REPRODUCE [YLD-10741] Basket bugs

    I can confirm this bug and offer additional details: Context: item stacks can been moved to the first free slot in a basket by right-clicking on the stack when in the container-inventory interaction menu. 1. When ANY container is full, and the right-click method is used to move item stack X, a copy of stack X appears to replace stack Y in the first slot in the container. It does not appear that stack Y has been removed from the container and placed in the player inventory. However, when closing the menu and opening the player inventory, stack Y is present. 2. The real issue is the copy of stack X, because it does not actually exist, and cannot be removed from the game. The copy of stack X can be moved from the first slot in the container into the player inventory, after which there appears to be two exact copies of stack X in the inventory. However, when either the items in original or copied stack X are destroyed--either by dismantling, breaking, or consuming as food or in a recipe--one item from the copied stack X always remains and cannot be destroyed. Neither can it be equipped as an item. Attempts to do either result in a red "FAILED" message at the top of the screen. 3. The ONLY way to remove the last remaining copied item in stack X is to return to the main menu and reload the map. In this sense, this "full-container-right-click-copy" bug is game-breaking. It needs to be fixed immediately, which may be as simple as disabling right-click move when interacting with a full container, or disabling right-click entirely until it can be implemented properly.