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Everything posted by jajko

  1. jajko

    Some of suggestions and bug reports

    You can press and hold CTRL and then click break. Menu will popup where u can type / set how many items u want to break
  2. Hello Ylanders! I've been working on this for some time so maybe something is outdated so I'm sorry for that. Suggestions: When someone's connecting to my session and I'm gathering stuff from the map, they will still see these resources but they can't take them. Instead of using pickaxe to mine resources it's better to use shovel what is gamebreaking in my opinion. U can hear sound echos not only in generated caves but also just deep in the ground. I'ts weird. U should imporve lighting when entering / leaving the caves because instead of natural, smooth transition we get like flash. Second mode for a shovel for being able to smooth terrain but not making it flat. Maybe some king of a hoe to place seeds inline. Ghost shadow for placing seeds. Block placing seeds in one spot. Again - gamebreaking. Work on more precise destroying blocks because with one swing I break everything around me. Add sounds of cruising with a ship, maybe wave sounds because it's currently boring and quiet. Taming and breeding animals. bring those big caves And here some bugs. Sounds of ship wheel, using raft, whistling and probably more are too loud! I'm unable to dye traditional chinese skirt I found stone tower and wanted to cover baziers because they like to estinguish from rain/snow but it wasn't spawned in world grid...