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Everything posted by Chromedome2

  1. Chromedome2

    Love's Bed...

    For your upcoming Valentine's Day builds I present to you Love's Bed...https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/652 I am Chromedome, and Chromedome2 and Lego_Man ...My Workshop is listed under Lego_Man.
  2. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    Well then, I suppose it wouldn't be fair to any of you if I didn't wait until after the new update and at least give it an honest chance to prove me wrong!
  3. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    In 3rd person mode, it would be impossible for me to make all the cloth that was required for the Awnings that were used to build even the Grill and Pergola that you see below let alone the Cabana which follows. Without the cube, it was a labor-intensive grind requiring no fewer than 400 Sisal Agave plants, 34 Spinning Wheels and a dozen looms ...It was a lot of very precise clicking! It's all about precision and depth perception. It can not be done in...
  4. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    Artificial deadlines?! I just bet that if Ylands had never been released into early access you would have found the time to fix all that and more!!! But because it is in early access and you got paid upfront corporate mismanagement of all sorts has made it impossible to do the right thing. This statement was not intended for RedEagle_P1 but rather for the Ylands devs.
  5. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    I don't believe this is true... Very few, in fact, are even active on the forums and of those who are, most of them prefer 1st person mode. In my experience, I have never been forced to switch from 1st to 3rd person mode except where you are attempting to force us to play in 3rd person mode in the coming update. I am 58 years old and my eyesight isn't all that sharp anymore! I can only see well enough to play the game in 1st person mode...
  6. Chromedome2

    Petition to re-add first person view

    You have a point and these days game devs, in general, push a game into EA just to get the money upfront then due to all sorts of mismanagement [financial and otherwise], the games never get finished.
  7. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    I'm a builder/content creator, I couldn't care less about the survival aspect of the game or PVP either!
  8. Chromedome2

    Petition to re-add first person view

  9. Chromedome2

    Petition to re-add first person view

    As a builder /content creator, I am with you completely on this RedEagle_P1. I play the game EXCLUSIVELY in first person mode! It is so hard to do anything in third person mode because then you have to somehow ignore your avatar and look through it to interact with anything. The people at Bohemia really need to run a poll to see if it would be a wise move or not before they remove features and functions in the game. I find that the biggest fail on the part...
  10. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    Why don't you try living and working with something constantly obstructing your view and always up in your face so that you can't get rid of it... No sir, there'll be no manufacturing of consent here!
  11. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #60

    Well, it looks like I won't be returning to Ylands anytime soon after the 0.11 update because I only play in first person mode and I only go into third person mode when I am having trouble placing Blueprints! Thanks, Bohemia... You could've asked us anything if it was something you needed to know.
  12. Chromedome2

    Object Palettes in Editor

    When you're in the game trying to make a Blueprint and it won't let you because you've already reached your max... There shouldn't be a Max... There should be no limit at all. I don't want to exit the game to search for where the Blueprints are stored then make a copy of it and have loose copies of Ylands folders all over my PC before long.
  13. Chromedome2

    4 wide wooden stair blocks?

    TeamYlands used that block quite a bit in their Wild West town build... I made a Blueprint of the Wild West Hotel and built it myself on Stout Crusher's server a few seasons ago. It's bad enough that we can't place the cushy chairs without the cube but you made it impossible to repair the stairs all around the porch of that building. How does taking away useful features and removing essential blocks ever equate with improving the game!?
  14. Chromedome2

    4 wide wooden stair blocks?

    Ane, it's worse than you imagine! In this, the current version, there are many missing blocks not just block variants but blocks like corners and such. While at the same time there are many duplicates of other blocks and their variants.
  15. Chromedome2

    Object Palettes in Editor

    But honestly, 50 custom blueprints is a bit low don't you think? We creators /builders are always coming up with new stuff and once we reach our limit we have to delete some to make room for the new ones. There should be no limit on how many custom Blueprints a person can have. It's not like the limit is going to improve the way the game runs is it?
  16. Chromedome2

    Crafting problems

    " Core UI" is right. But it's also the icons in the crafting menus. The way they have it now there are missing blocks and/or icons. And there are duplicates of others. If you're crafting from your inventory finding exactly what you want to craft is nearly impossible! Things so poorly organized that you'll often find XL blocks under the "S" blocks icon. What we need is a " Craft All" button so that when we do finally find what it is that we want to craft we can simply...
  17. Chromedome2

    Crafting problems

    The crafting menus jump around and change like that all the time! So, no matter how fast you try to be in getting a lot of stuff crafted it's better to queue items up much slower so that you don't end up crafting a ton of stuff you don't want, won't need, and will probably never use.
  18. Chromedome2

    Grill and Pergola

    https://workshop.ylands.com/asset/717 This is a fully functional Grill and Pergola. It is also full Blueprint Friendly!
  19. Chromedome2

    Grill and Pergola

    LOL Yeah, you ought to know you were there! I think Bob Ross once said something about mistakes..." that there are no mistakes, only happy accidents!" The happiest accident here would be in just how much black pigment you could then make with all that ash. Strangely enough, it was the fish that burnt... the meat was still raw when the fires went out.
  20. Awnings! All the cool stuff was made of them...
  21. Chromedome2

    Grill and Pergola

    Ah, I think I understand you now... Still a little counter-intuitive in some of the language we commonly use nowadays. But I get it...
  22. Chromedome2

    Grill and Pergola

    Yeah, I went for the rustic appeal of an outdoor grilling experience. The first version that I'd put up in the workshop yesterday morning wasn't as good as it should've been so I made another ...A newer and better version! The ability to update versions in the workshop, however, appears to be broken or disabled so I just took down the old one and replaced it with the new. In the first prototype of the grill, there were no fewer than a server-breaking...
  23. Chromedome2

    Grill and Pergola

    How am I to learn anything Red? What did you mean when you used the phrase " Rested Colors"? I tried to google it and it came up with colors which induce sleep and to me, that would be the antithesis of anything " Rested".
  24. Chromedome2

    Suggestions that would help P1 with our games!

    I've been through the desert on a horse with no name... It felt good to get out of the rain. lol
  25. Chromedome2

    Sneak Peek #59

    Eh, your " Sneek peeks" show us more of what we won't see than of what we will see, and you guys talk like politicians using many words to say absolutely nothing! After all the hinting at making a " Big Splash" there won't be any splashing at all in 0.11.