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Posts posted by Deadeye_Rob

  1. I tried to get into Goldrush but I found it a little hard to pick up.


    I think future official server games should adopt a 'drop-in drop-out' element where players can pop on for a short term game of some description, then leave without consequence. (Think Lego Starwars or GangBeasts).


    Maybe a game featuring just a few plain old Gun Battles. Maybe some sort of trench warfare? I for one enjoy popping onto the Ylands Wild West map to take a few pot shots at people online! :P

  2. Hi there guys!

    I've been away for a while so I haven't been updating my Dishonoured Harbour much unfortunately. So I aim to break the silence by showing off my little settlement that I started months ago on my own multiplayer server.

    So I realised that once players start to establish themselves on a multiplayer server, the hunt for Ylandium becomes an aggressive 'Gold-Rush'. Back when Offical-Explore servers were still running I wouldn't be surprised to find every rock of Ylandium gone. I discovered however, that one can still find an unlimited supply of the precious mineral if you know where to look!   .......His name is Leeroy Jenkins!


    That's right guys! Control Leeroy, and you control the flow of Ylandium and I did just that!

    Ladies & Gents, I present to you the Flintlock Ylandium Refining Company & Bank!



    Shortly after discovering Leeroy, I quickly set up my barrier to encompass his spawn area. After which, I began to fortify and imprison him! Due to this Island being blessed with a high quantity of magic blossoms, I could harvest enough to make a daily purchase of Leeroy's Ylandium crystals.



    Leeroy's 'Quarters are here'

    From that point, I would trade refined Ylandium with other players for extra building materials, supplies etc. These I used to expand my little colony and (with the exception of the odd Editor-aided alteration) legitimately build my business!



    The Leeroy Tavern - Best drinks in town!

    In order to accommodate my trading partners, I used a small-scale blueprint of my Dishonored Pub. I named it after the source of my success! :D




    The front desk of the Ylandium Bank.

    Visitors and traders can visit the bank at the rear of the settlement where I can buy or sell Ylandium. (I used Editor to prevent theft of any free-placed items)



    The main hall of the bank. -Server moderators and Admins only! -(Crystal created using Editor)



    Regular players and bank staff have access to their very own Safe Deposit Boxes in our private vault!



    Bank records and documentation department.



    Executive Board Room. -Note Leeroy Statue at the back :D


    I hope to get back to working on a few more projects including my Dishonored Harbour project.

    Please feel free to leave any feedback! Happy new year people!


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  3. Hey Guys,

    I've been exploring and testing this issue over the last few weeks and I think I have an idea of what's causing this particular bug.


    Using a Cabinet/Shelf as an example because it is relatively oblong in dimensions.

    iIf I were to free-place an item on a shelf I would not be able to access it or even retrieve it without deconstructing the shelf itself.

    I believe this is because I have placed the object within the rectangular space occupied by the cabinet itself. This also answers why I cannot retrieve it as loot via  the inventory panel.


    If anyone has found further discoveries on this issue let me know.


  4. I'm thinking that server hosts should have access to a setting prior to launching a server where they can determine how far players can communicate.


    For example, servers with a more creative aspect might want to have a 'Global Chat' so all players can see what's being said regardless of geographic location.


    Explore servers might want to reduce chat to within a certain 'audible range' but would enable the use of the 'coconut radio' for long distance communications.


    My next open question would be;   "Would the radio be something carried within a player's inventory, or staticky placed like a workbench?"

    I personally like the workbench option

  5. Hi guys,

    So after spending countless hours playing on multiplayer Explore servers I have reached a conclusive question.


    "Even on a largely populated server, why is it so difficult to find and communicate with other players"


    Minecraft addresses this problem by making it's in-game chat feature globally broadcast to all players on a server.

    Im thinking Ylands can do one better! Whilst global chat would solve the issue, it might make communication too easy. The feeling of being alone and stranded is a charming feature of the game.


    I suggest that if players put in a little work, they can craft themselves some type of Radio. Using the Radio would open a dialogue box where you can tune in to other player's radios and send-receive messages in both real-time and in an Email format.


    Its an idea that I'm sure could do with some refining but let me know what you think guys!




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  6. Great video,

    I'm more of a nomad myself! The first thing I make is a Knife then start crafting a Bow and Arrows.


    Then hunt some Bears for some warm clothing. (With the exception of a Wolf Helmet! ?)


    I don't usually cut down a tree until I decide to build something!

  7. Yes I believe it is exactly the same issue.


    A good place to look at for issue reproduction would be on the generated structures which feature books on the shelves. You'll notice that the books stored within the shelves cannot be looted.


    Hope this helps!

  8. Hey there guys!

    This is my first attempt at feedback so please indulge me! ?


    So after the last performance update I've been very impressed. Whilst I too would like to see the return of 1st person in one form or another, I understand the reasoning for removing it. It does however raise new problems.


    In my builds I love putting items of shelfs. Books, lanterns, gold pouches etc. The new free place controls are great for this! I can place these items of shelves with total control!

    I do believe however that this has caused a rather annoying bug to manifest. I've noticed that on occasion when I have placed an item on a shelf, it no longer becomes accessible.

    for example, I would place a pouch filled with gold on the middle shelf of a cabinet. Soon after, I can no longer highlight the pouch to open it. Maybe this is because I cannot lock onto it from 3rd person? I don't know for sure.


    another great feature is the ability to pickup localised objects from the inventory screen! It makes for gathering wood logs less of a chore. However this also does not seem to locate my gold pouch in the shelf which seems to indicate that my gold bag is irretrievable.


    I have also seen this problem manifest in generated structures such as the ruined Churches. Books located on some of the shelves are also irretrievable.


    Thanks for your time guys! If anyone else has had this issue, your combined voice would be great.


  9. Hey there guys! I've been hard at work developing my project. I'm pleased to say that The Hound Pits Pub is more or less finished including a complete lighting system and furnishings. I've also added a number of external decorations like wires, pipes etc to complete the Dishonored atmosphere. Check it out.



    Behold the Pub in all it's glory! Notice the overhead lights and cables.



    Inside shot of the bar. I've used smaller lamps than before to create the gloomy effect. I've also created the beer pumps out of pipes and signs.



    A shot showing the booths.



    One of the many apartment rooms inside the Pub. I've attempted to decorate each room differently for variety.



    A second shot showing the room as a whole.



    An overhead shot showing the Pub in all her glory!



    Up mainstreet! Opposite the pub is my next building project currently underway!



    Here's another shot of my next building. I'm not sure what it's purpose will be. Until then I may be working on the internals of the Grieves Lightning Oil warehouse now and again! :D


    Any feedback you have guys would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for you kind words and support! I will hopefully be releasing my designs to the public to tie-in with the new in-game catalogue when it is released.


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  10. Regarding the removal of paid decorations I feel that this is a good move. I bought a pack of Jewellery Boxes. Unfortunately, being the perfectionist/hoarder that I am, I refused to add them into my builds due to their scarcity.

    Not many Game Devs out there are willing to admit mistakes in the direction of their games much less than actually refunding the fan base. It's good to see Ylands evolving with integrity. ?

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  11. Here's another update on The Hound Pits Pub. I decided to do a little of the interior tonight. I've freestyled the design a little. But I think I've captured the essence of it.

    Every online community needs a pub! Now if only we had beer.... ;)



    Taken from the front door of the building.



    The service here is awful! Note my attempt at the stain-glass window ceiling behind the bar.



    A view of the other side of the bar.



    Now obviously there's a lot of work to do. But hopefully this will give you an idea of what I'm working toward.

    Here's a link to the concept pictures that Im working from. The Hound Pit Pub


    I'd love to hear your feedback guys

    • Like 2

  12. Thanks Ane! I've tried various Dishonored-style builds on minecraft but I absolutely Love Ylands. The ability to place items freely on shelves, tables etc is really one of the biggest selling points for old Minecrafters like me.


    Im trying to build something resembling The Hound Pits pub next. If I get it right I will make it avaliable for download in the future :) 

    EDIT Here's my progress so far.




    Here's the original taken from the game to compare.

    Link to Dishonored Wiki Image of The Hound Pit Pub

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  13. Hey guys!

    After living the secluded life of a hermit in the cabin from my pervious post. My friends and I decided to 'upgrade' our little winter colony. I've been recently inspired by the architecture and atmosphere of Bethesda's Dishonored Franchise. So I've attempted to recreate that as I've begun modernising my Yland port. I have even created a humble little steam boat.



    Tramways: Every Dunwall city needs them!



    Harbour side during a clear sky. I've tried to mix steel with traditional builds. This was a common feature in the Dishonored franchise. I am trying to depict a civilization that's introducing modern technology.



    Overhead shot from the top of the warehouse. I used overturned wanted posters to create that Victorian themed wall face. Notice the Steam ship in the distance.



    The inside of the Kingsparrow Port Authority. Visiting captains are managed here. Notice the beginnings of a town mail system :)



    Another image of the Port Authority Building. This time from the main entrance and front desk.



    An inside shot of the Trading Office (The building with the light house on the back!) Here is where visiting ships can make trades and buy/sell from the community stores.



    Another shot of the Trading Office. I've lined the wall lamps with plates behind and magnifying glasses in front. (The glare makes it hard to see them!) I've attempted to create variations of busts by putting hats on them!



    Thanks very much for your kind welcome in my earlier post guys. I hope to continue this theme and I will keep you updated as I progress. I'm looking forward to the in-application composition catalogue that the Dev's recently mentioned. I hope to create a few little designs to contribute on it's eventual release! I welcome any feedback.

    Thanks Guys






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  14. The cottage really comes into it's own when built in arctic biomes. My usual tactic when playing online is to grab all the materials I need, then set sail for an arctic desert. The roof design looks good when it's nearly buried in the encroaching snow. That and it looks cozy in a blizzard! :D

  15. Hi there guys!

    I've been playing Ylands since the Steam release and I must say, I've found my new 'free-time drainer'. I definitely think Ylands has the potential to become the natural successor to Minecraft. A bold statement I'm sure you'll agree but Ylands has something special. Where else can you build a little slice of heaven and then furnish it to perfection?

    Here's a few screen shots of my little slice of heaven. I built my home near to the spawn so I can help others for when my map goes live. :)


    Here's an aerial shot of my home. The notice board is to welcome new players.




    Shot two.




    Here is my work desk. I've created it using a basic table overlapping the drawer tables with a shelf unit at the back. Most of my Diary entries are stored in those pots!



    This is my kitchen station. I have Jars to store berries and pots & sacks for flour and grain. The chest embedded in the shelf unit stores my tools whilst the barrel is for fish.



    Directly opposite the Kitchen area is the dining table, fully stocked for some weary traveller! Notice the gun rack I have assembled. It is constructed out of a Chest embedded into the wall. The rifles are leaned against it with a small shelf unit acting as the racking pieces. The chest allows me to neatly organise my ranged weapons whilst maintaining the appearance of a functioning Rack.



    Here is my Hearth where food is prepared. The barrel is for scrap wood. Behold the plush furs on my bed. I use the nearby cabinet for my attire (weather dependent) and some light reading too!


    Great to be here on the Ylands Community!



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