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Posts posted by NoNoNumGum

  1. 16 minutes ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    You can hold the coal basket to fuel engines. I do it all the time.

    I meant  when you are in a kiln, foundry, or furnace, etc. It says "feed" and then "ignite" but if you dont have the coal in your inventory (and not in a coal basket) it doesn't work when you press "feed"

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  2. A button in your inventory (or containers) that automatically sorts all items in it in alphabetical order. It would be really useful for when you die and have to sort your inventory again (for those who do)


    Also just a quick overlook: if you have a coal basket on you, you can use the coal in it to craft but you can't fuel stations with it unless its not in the coal asket

  3. Just now, spiritchaser28 said:

    Good question....just made me think of another. Will ships take damage if they hit land?

    I believe so

    8 hours ago, Nikki Severin said:

    At the same time, if you steer your ship to shallow waters, the edge of an yland or another ship, your ship will take damage and you will have to fix it up if you wish to continue on your journey without worries.


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  4. 14 hours ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    .I think the main idea of this entire post though is to allow the players the freedom to choose the options so we can all play how we like to play. So basically have a few options in the menu as to how we can view the map, or even the option to have no map like we have in editor now.

    Yes exactly. I believe the developers are really trying to do what everyone wants, but not everyone plays the same. We need more optional things like: The island indicators, friend indicators, island level indicators, etc.

    And a system to choose if you wanna have to craft and use a map or just press M would be absolutely amazing.


    Thank you all for adding on to my suggestions 😁

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  5. Another thought I had is: 

    I personally liked when we had to hold out maps and pull them up every time we wanted to use them since I would hold out my map and tell my friend which direction we needed to go. But incase some people might think it is tedious, I think a good system would be: You have to craft a map and then you can press M to open it, but if you lose it then you can't press M to open it anymore (since you don't have it).

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  6. 12 hours ago, BinarySemaphore said:

    I do think having a map at spawn is a bit too easy, but having a hidden progression path to obtaining a map and requiring the player to keep it on them/in their hot bar is a bit burdensome and unnecessary (think - they have know and then google how to create a map and create it - what's the point other than cost time and some resources - not something really earned just a time sink). 

    To be fair, this is the way it used to be and everyone got by fine. Maybe the player does want to look up how to get a map, then that's completely fine. But if a player wants to figure it out on their own, then they can do that too. 


    12 hours ago, BinarySemaphore said:

    When sailing to the edge of the map and going to a harsher biomes or if a seed gives higher level or large/unique islands, maybe add an event which puts the player(s) and their ship in a transitional all water map (no islands just a temporary challenge map).

    The player must sail across the water world to "complete" their journey to the next map.

    Chances for storms (rain or snow) could be higher, so just calm seas for the voyage are relatively rare.  However, there could be an increase in shipwrecks/underwater discoveries (especially since more underwater biomes and discoveries are in a planned future release).

    The voyage can abandoned at any time to allow players to return to their previous map (say they run out of power and don't have a backup sail).  The map would be long left to right and player must sail left to right to complete the trip.  If they can't stay the course and end up too north or south, then the voyage is failed.  Incentivizing larger ships and that upgraded navigation for sea travel mentioned earlier.

    I think this would be a great addition. 

    2 hours ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    Ales has mentioned a few times on livestreams that he would like to implement occasional random encounters when traversing between maps. With unique challenges that would integrate into the game. So basically they are working on this plan.

    If I remember correctly, didn't they mention adding pirate attacks/random encounters?

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  7. A few days ago I played Ylands once again just to see how it is now. I was also looking through old screenshots of the game and one thing stuck out to me that I miss dearly.


    I was playing with a friend a few years ago and I decided to go sailing without a map. I took off from the island and was staring at my screen trying to find birds that would signal land. I saw birds and went towards them to find a not so peaceful desert island. I then tried to sail back to the spawn island but found my self lost at sea. I had to keep sailing in one direction till I saw more birds and find land. Once I finally found land, it still wasn't the spawn island, so I ended up progressing on another island and making a map to eventually find my way home to that spawn island. It was an amazing adventure. (I tried killing my character but you would respawn on the closest island, idk if its still like this or not)



    This story brings me to my main point/suggestions: This type of adventure will never happen again since you can now just press M to pull up a map you spawn with. You can also see islands next to you. This causes sailing to feel bland and just like walking. You no longer have to venture out to sea and into the unknown since you constantly know where you are. 



    Now, I have been playing since 2017 so I know this game inside and out. But that doesn't mean I should be able to beat the game in 2 days. I've played Minecraft for years and it still takes months to get consistent ores and materials. The progression in Ylands is too quick. All you do is go to two islands and you can beat the game pretty much. You also come to learn what biomes are what levels and what levels have what ores. So for the "normal" exploration mode you just have to go to the edge of the map and then teleport to the biome you want depending on what ores you want.

    I have suggested these things over and over, but I haven't lost faith in you guys. This game used to be a blast but I feel you guys have made it way too easy. I understand that its mostly a building game, but so is Minecraft yet it still presents a challenge.


    Here are some ways I feel you could implement my suggestions:

    Maps: Simply just re-add the need to make maps instead of having one on you by default.

    Sailing: I understand that the few distance was increased and that is why islands are visible that are next to you. I don't know how it works or anything but decreasing the view distance and making it so you have to search for birds to find islands would be amazing.

    Progression: I feel that if you simply removed the indicators that point out what level islands are, the game would be so much more fun instantly. To my understanding, certain ores only spawn on certain level islands.  If I land on an island and know what level the island is instantly, then I just have to search a little and find the ores that are specific to that level of island. But if it didn't have a level indicator, then I would have to search the entire island hoping that its the level I need. That instantly adds more time to play and explore.  The AI for most monsters is really easy to best in combat, simply by standing a rock and shooting it. So there is little to no challenge getting what you need to progress. This makes progression super fast and you don't get to soak in all the fun features the game has. 


    I hope you take my suggestions into consideration. Thanks for reading and have a good day.


    tl;dr: Add maps back, possibly make the sailing experience better, and try to slow down the progression in the game.

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  8. On 7/26/2021 at 7:49 PM, bojo2736 said:

    Adam was awesome.  No shade to Nikki, she's doing a good job, but Adam paid a lot of attention to the group. He was available and approachable.  He even played with us occasionally.  Not sure why you felt the need to take a comment about how we are having a nice civil discussion to insult a guy who did a great job, and who is not here to defend himself.  

    I was not trying to offend anybody I simply think that Nikki pays more attention and answers more. Or maybe Adam just didn't like me ?‍♂️

    On 7/26/2021 at 11:36 PM, spiritchaser28 said:

    @NoNoNumGum Adam was great and so is Nikki. They both have different styles but I think they were both great choices as Community managers (or warlocks hehe) Adam was pretty good at answering my questions and listening to my suggestions and so is Nikki. Plus I got to know a bit about Adam as a person as well as Nikki. Bottom line for me is they are both good people and have satisfied my expectations. At the end of the day we are all only human, and we all have different tastes. Adam decided to move on to another job, but I still see him occasionally hanging out on discord. I personally thought when Adam left it would be difficult to fill his shoes, but Nikki is doing a great job. Sorry to hear that Adam didn't pay as much attention to you as Nikki does, but I can honestly say that wasn't the case for everyone that knows Adam. 

    Yeah sorry to offend anybody. 

    • Like 2

  9. 10 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    It's very different I agree, what I meant though was with music the worst case is turn it off and play without or play your own music. It's not the same and I WOULD rather a game has music I'm happy with but unless it's a music orientated game I'm not going to stop playing due to it.
    Perhaps the old music should be in the old style exploration I saw on the menu to essentially just give access to the old game (I assume it's just the few ylands spawned at random how they used to be)

    I like the new music too but I just still don't understand the point in removing the old music too. And it's not that people stopped playing because of the music alone, there were many things that added up, including the music, that ruined the game for a lot of people.


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  10. 2 hours ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    Hmm usually only takes me a couple hours to get one from starting with nothing. Never saw it as an endgame tool because I never saw the game as having any real ending.

    Yes exactly. It should be buffed again and then made harder to get. And my apologies for referring to it as a "endgame" item, what I mean is: A powerful item like zirconium. I called netherite armor in minecraft endgame stuff even though it doesn't end either. My bad.


    45 minutes ago, kimbuck said:

    Players  want  what they want...and  complain if they do not get it. The issue is  not all players want the same and the Devs  have to add and  subtract  to  keep  everyone happy, 

    But as they say,  a  camel is a horse  designed  by a committee, and  as  players   scream  for    Boss monsters,  flying  things,  more  combat,  less combat, whatever etc   we get an uglier  camel!

    But  Camels  are useful  in the proper  environment ... :)  .. they  no good in the arctic  or tropics....... ( and harder to  like  than horses...)

    So perhaps  the players  should  stop pestering the  devs  to add  things that will make  Ylands the  same as all the other  games of this  genre, and let them  follow their   roadmap and  get what's here working properly  first

    To be  honest ...if   the  games changes to require  fighting  monsters and  Boss monsters  to proceed... then  its  just like the plethora of  other   teen/anime  based  kill everything games ... and   people like me   wont be  bothered.

    To  the  devs...    you cannot  please everyone  all the time.   Look at the  original  game  and its initial success...and  work  from there.   :)


    Half of the stuff I suggested used to be in the game. The old GUI, First person, and the old propeller pack, the physical map, alpha music, and more.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, leo_chaos said:

    Yup, I think the Playlands and making the game free but with exploration as a "DLC" was supposed to get more people to try the game and end up buying, which IMO backfired quite drastically.
    The issue was adding Playlands and so much focus on anything BUT exploration meant the players that WERE playing got bored and stopped, so anyone trying out the free stuff had a multiplayer part of the game which wants you to spend money for minigames but there's no other players there and there's no word of mouth since the early players were mainly complaining that there was no progression on exploration fixes.

    The issue now is getting the attention back, I've kept my eye on the changelogs and updates even when I wasn't playing and so have a few others I know, but most of them are so "meh"
    The music change for example, seemed a nice idea but who cares how a game sounds if you don't play it?
    Adding a couple of new enemies you see once in a blue moon... so ?
    NPC's were a nice thought but even now they're like zombies, they wander around their building pointlessly till they vanish at night with no schedule of daily actions or anything and their wares are helpful at best.
    It's basically polishing a turd, the base gameplay needs improving before worrying about this kind of thing

    The world map and Ylands which can be reset so you don't finish exploring your whole game in a few hours - yes ! finally something which actually adds and is likely to get some old attention back. It needs a lot more stuff before it will keep anyone back though, what's the point of exploring the same looking places over and over for ... nothing new ?  (still seeing old frustrations REALLY doesn't help keep anyone who comes back either... still no damn pause)

    Yes I 100% agree. I used to say that they tried to mix roblox, minecraft, and ark into one game which makes poop because when you mix too many colors you get brown.


    11 minutes ago, leo_chaos said:

    The combat is AWFUL in Ylands, it also forces combat on those who don't want to.

    That's true.


    13 minutes ago, leo_chaos said:

    Apart from how you get them, adding new mats just for something like this or needing more seems very tedious to me, perhaps needing Ylandium or Zirconium and them not being so abundant could help. Ylandium used to feel like a massive achievement and effort to get, yet now I have too much.


    The issue is fun and tedious are individual tastes. If I was stuck fighting bosses in how the game currently is I dunno if I'd bother coming back at all, I got it for an exploring orientated game, not combat.
    I like exploring new area types to see things I haven't seen before and solving puzzles. I would rather scrub my bathroom than play a game like FIFA yet millions of people love it.

    Yes true. I feel that their biggest mistake was trying to mix 2 types of communities together, with the editor and the exploration in one game. 

    I still don't even know if I would come back to play if they added my 6 suggestions. I just feel like ylands isnt what it used to be, but i cant seem to put a pin on what exactly is wrong with it. I just miss the old ylands.

  12. 12 minutes ago, leo_chaos said:

    How do you make it harder to get without increasing how tedious it already is to get? crafting steel is boring when you need so much and it takes different crafting stages on different crafting stations which need their fuel monitored.

    Hide the recipe behind fighting a boss, make the materials harder to get, change what materials you need, add new materials that you need, changing how you get the materials, etc.

    I agree though that some parts of it are tedious, but several other games have made items hard to get but still fun. Minecraft with the elytra, valheim with getting any new type of armor, ARK with getting TEK gear. They both hide the recipes and OP items behind bosses. So maybe that's a turn that ylands needs to take. 

    I feel that if other games can make OP items hard but fun to get, then ylands can too. (Without making it tedious)


  13. 46 minutes ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    Actually quite a few of us commented it was way to powerful. And they listened.

    As I mentioned above, the propeller pack should be OP because it should be an endgame tool that you worked to get for tons of hours. It should be a tool you use when you want to build since you have already done everything else to do in the game.


    46 minutes ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    Sort of the point of nerfing the propeller pack.

    Hard and tedious have different meanings.

    Tedious - too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous.

    Hard - with a great deal of effort.

    Hard things can still be fun. Them nerfing the propeller pack isn't making the game harder. It's making it more tedious, which isn't fun. They should've made the propeller pack harder to get instead of making it worse.

    46 minutes ago, spiritchaser28 said:

    I have only heard the old music in youtube vids, but I quite liked it. I also enjoy the new music. I don't think anybody quit the game because of the music. It's all pretty great.

    Yeah I like the new music too but the old music just really hits back home. ❤️

  14. 5 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    1. Did people stop playing because of the music ? I stopped due to exploration being ignored and left to rot.

    This was one of the many reasons I stopped playing. Don't get me wrong the new music is good but I would like to see the old music and the new music both in the game.

    5 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    3. Some parts seem a mess, crafting menu is just all over the place and doesn't even update when you get an item like crafting a rope means you need to leave the menu and go back to use it, break and item stats need to be more accessible instead of in another screen, how hungry or hot/cold we are is also pretty vague.

    Yeah, and compared to the alpha gui, this one is waaay worse

    5 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    4. I actually did, the old prop pack was OP, once you had it you were untouchable. It would be good if it had a charge or something where it would stay on, but when empty it works as it does now and overheats after 30 secs.

    See here's my point: The propeller pack is WAAY too easy to get. Back to the thing with making the game harder. What they should do is have a very OP propeller pack at the END of the game. It should take at least 100 hours of gameplay to get it, not 3 hours.

    5 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    5. I have suggestion posts from 2018 which plenty of are still relevant and I've seen others complaining about the same things more recently, unfortunately I put a lot of them down to the exploration abandonment.

    Yes when they started abandoning exploration, lots of people were telling them what they were doing and instead of telling us they were going to fix it, they released 3 more updates for the editor. And every single one of those updates, they said the next update would fix exploration. Never happened. 

    5 hours ago, leo_chaos said:

    6. Might be better to make the map craftable then goes into the toolbox or something and works similar to how it does now, maybe some kind of knowledge skill to eventually marks island levels when you land on them if you want it to use it (would add some exploring back instead of instant knowledge what and where when you enter an area) 
    I don't really see the current map as a big issue though. I DO remember getting irritated by not being able to craft one at some point/needing it active to fill in/needing pen or something to also fill it in.

    Zirconium is WAY common though, I have more than I'll ever need within a couple of days but I can't find any coal.

    I just feel that I am not exploring any more. I can simply go to global map and then select what biome I want to find, then go to my map and see what island is level 3 and then look at the island indicator get all the zirconium i could ever want. It is just too easy. It doesn't feel like a survival game.

  15. 1. Add old music back and keep the new music too 

    2. Add first person back

    3. Fix the GUI. Make it less bloated. Make it more like the alpha one

    4. Bring back the old propeller pack. No one, I mean NO ONE asked for you nerfing it. Right back to the whole 'not listening to community' vibe.

    5. Listen to your community

    6. Make the game harder, as in, remove the island indicators, add back having to make maps from paper press, make zirconium less common, remove the island level indicators.

    Expanding on 6:

    Remove island indicators: Make sailing fun again. It's not fun to sail when you see the islands next to you and you can see an island on the compass rose. Make it so you have to see birds again to tell if there's an island, that was awesome.

    Add back making maps: It's a lot less fun when you don't have to make a map. We wanna have to make a map. 

    Make zirconium less common: Me and my friend got full zirconium and propeller packs in 3 hours of gameplay. That is endgame stuff. It should take at least like 100 hours to get it.

    Remove island level indicators: If you see a island level indicator then you know where to go to get the best ores. Ruins all of the fun.


    Edit: This is my last ditch effort to get you guys to fix Ylands. I respect all of the work you guys have done and I believe you guys are trying to fix ylands but you just don't seem to listen to your community. Out of all my posts I never felt heard. And even when your players who are youtubers like RedEagle tried to tell you how the game was being ruined, you guys were too stubborn to even listen to him. I've tried before and I'll try again to point out whats wrong and convince you guys to make the right changes but if this post doesn't work then I don't think there is any hope for this game. Stay classy.

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  16. 1.  Fish in the ocean that you can see and kill.

    2. Different types of fish in the ocean.

    3. Add sharks back

    4. Maybe octopuses as a animal in the ocean?

    5. Kraken! A hostile mob that will attack your ship while you shoot it with cannons. But it will only attack you near level 3 islands.  It also will play its own music and not just the regular combat music. This will also add a reason for cannons in single players.


    Thanks for reading! :D 

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