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Ylands Star
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Everything posted by Yo HasLEGO

  1. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #237 Better crafting UI, anyone?

    Really like it Talking about the eye-icon. The break option is also hidden there and I use it quite often. Could you guys get it also directly on the right panel?
  2. Yo HasLEGO

    New Community Manager Introduction

    Thought you had little yellow cat ears on at first But anyways, looking forward to the stream so we can get to know you a little better!
  3. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #231 Experimental Ymprovements

    Wait now i'm confused... I knew you guys didn't pronounce it as why-lands but...From what i can gather here is that it should be pronounced ee-lands??? That's just weird 😆
  4. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #229 Magnificent Mythical Beasts

    This part to me sounds like the animals might have a randomly generated appearance, like in No Man's Sky.
  5. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #227 First look!

    Watch out for the mutants at night. The big golems especially.
  6. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #225 Ship, boat and giant urchin

    Glass door! 😍 Also very curious for the motor boat and schip parts
  7. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #224 Exploration & Creators: The Ultimate Combo

    OOhhoohoooo yes! This is the good stuff I wanna see! I wonder to which point we will be able to put in scripts and stuff. I know next to nothing about scripting but I'm pretty sure this will motivate me to learn it. Albeit a trimmed down collection of the available scripts. And if i could give some feedback, please give us the option to use the editor camera in said islands. The nerf of the freecamera command made in-game building much trickier. For instance, I placed the energy components of my ship into the hull so that they wouldn't be visible. But I couldn't connect them because I couldn't see through the hull anymore with freecamera. Working on something underground brings along the same problem. I understand it got nerfed because of cheaty reasons but, you know, it was darn handy for building and connecting energy 😅 Anyway, I'm so excited as every time with these teasers about what you guys are up to! ❤️
  8. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #223 What You Ask Is What You Get

    OOOh right! Good eyes
  9. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #223 What You Ask Is What You Get

    On the picture there is no compass on the top right like on ships 🤔 That makes me wonder how they did it then.
  10. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #222 When the Prints Go Blue

    Im so excited and curious for this!
  11. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #216 Roadmap 2022

    Little sad the blueprint overhaul won't come in 1.9. I'm a bit hesitant to build anything now, not knowing what can be blueprinted in the future. Still very excited for the update in any case! 😄
  12. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #214 Update Lore

    Can't wait!
  13. Yo HasLEGO

    Blueprint loading issue

    That could very well be the case my friend.
  14. I was making a new blueprint on my dedicated blueprinting map and when i loaded the captured blueprint, some of the blocks appeared on the centre of the map...and stayed there... I tried loading in a couple other blueprints and this happened with every one of them. Now there is a mashup of a bunch of blueprints in the middle of my map 😂 None of the blocks can be annihilated so i'm gonna try if they are removable with the editor. A while ago i also saw this happening on an exploration map but kind of ignored it. So you guys might already be aware of this. Here are the logs and screenshot in any case output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  15. Yo HasLEGO

    Blueprint loading issue

  16. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #212 Things that keep coming up...

    🤔 Does this confirm that every item will soon be blueprintable?? Because in compositions you HAVE to be able to include every item. It can't be that you can only use less than half of the entities in the game for compositions! Please don't go that route, devs 😅 And so if compositions and blueprints will be merged then...then that opens up SO much more possibilities! A new chapter will open up for us editor builders/exploration players!
  17. Yo HasLEGO

    Power limits?

    There is a cap in the amount of connections you can make per generator. I'm not entirely sure what determines it but using a bigger energy source like the big ylandium generator usually helps, giving you more available connections. Energy is weird.
  18. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #209 Deep Down, Like Super Deep Down

    Round of applause for the devs who keep making the best game even better every time!
  19. I was helping out a dear friend with his mystery island to try and solve it together. He was hosting locally but unfortunately he's on the other side of the world to me. Up until this point it has all gone well apart from losing connection every once in a while. But when we fell into the volcano in the Emberland map, I couldn't respawn. As you can see in the video, going to another map didn't work either so I was stuck and forced to restart. Luckily this fixed it and I was able to join his map again output_log.txt output_log_clean.txt
  20. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #203 Oh ship!

  21. Yo HasLEGO

    Exploration - Lost Ship- Now stuck

    Someone from the discord server had sort of a similar thing happen to them. The only thing that seemed so save them was /killme. Unfortunately this means you'll most likely loose your inventory as well ?
  22. Yo HasLEGO

    Stubborn bubbles!

    As you can see, the bubbles of scuba helmets don't disappear anymore when looking down under a low ceiling.
  23. Yo HasLEGO

    RE spawnage

    yes it is, on a freshly generated island
  24. Yo HasLEGO

    RE spawnage

    Oh oooohh! Looks like the problem is back with RE's not spawning in.
  25. Yo HasLEGO

    Dev Diary #199 Feedback Fur-ever!

    I'm humbled you used my old picture in this, though I have to give credit to Ed who built the amazing castle. As for the pets, are we talking about the little flying companions? A flying penguin would be fun I think. Or a pegasus! The time of the year makes me think of bats too ?‍♂️ In any case I'm super excited for the update, love you guys.